Harry's life at Privet Drive

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A/N Sorry about my titles,I'm just not good at them.Anyways,thanks for all your support ! Please comment!
(Mild violence warning)

It wasn't easy nor fun-filled, but somehow Severus had managed to oversee two years of Harry Potter's new life.

It was a relief when Severus saw Harry fully potty trained as well. He used to excrete in a dark corner of the house like a dog, waiting guiltily afterwards for Severus to clean the mess up.

It was infuriating to do that every morning for so long, but the boy really wasn't the one at fault. If he were properly cared for before by his horrid relatives, he wouldn't have had this habit.

Miraculously, the boy trusted Severus fully, He accepting magic without a second glance, and didn't doubt any strange actions Severus performed, though those actions would've had Muggles boggled.

Harry was terrible at potions though, which was a shame, seeing how Lily was a natural. Severus had given up trying to teach him how to boil a simple wart removal potion. His potion room had been bombed no less than six times with failed potions.

He did inherit his father's Quidditch skills, annoyingly enough. Clobby had been knocked down by Harry's constant indoor broom flying too many times to count.

At least he was reading The Tales Of Beedle The Bard by himself. Not like he understood what the words meant, of course.

It was another usual day where Severus was found attempting to create a nose-growing syrum for Voldemort when Harry popped his head into the room, his face anxious.

'Severus? I think... I think It's about time you should know about my past life with the Dursleys.'

Severus was rather taken aback but he agreed to listen.

Harry sighed and began,"Well,the Dursleys are really abusive. They beat me up on aa daily basis. For fun, they said, when I asked, like I'm some toy.

I despise Dudley with my whole heart. He and his stupid gang terrorize the kids in the playground and stone animals ever day. That's why it's practically empty nowadays. We're all afraid of the big bad oaf from 4 Privet Drive.

I live in the cupboard under the stairs. My bed is non-existent. There is a spare room upstairs but Dudley wouldn't give it up, even after I pleaded and begged them.

Aunt Petunia is a bit better.She just ignores me. Once,after a whipping,'

At there, Severus's eyes widened. The words came out of the six year gold's mouth so casually, like it was normal to be whipped.

'She even sneaked me some bandages.

Uncle Dursley is the worst. He gives me a list longer than my body to complete daily. If I don't,I'll get..."

Harry choked and continued,"Uncle Dursley will sell me to some evil people to use as a stress reliever.

I don't get food unless Uncle Vernon is feeling extremely generous. Which is about never. So I eat spider meat. It tastes absolutely awful and I hope I'll never see those rotten creatures again.

'Sometimes when I can't find any spiders,I pierce my own skin and drink my own blood. Just a small portion.

I'm not allowed to go outside my cupboard except for chores. Sometimes I get to stay at a neighbour's house when the Dursleys go on vacation, but all she does is talk about cats.

My classmates all avoid me because they don't want to offend Dudley. A brave girl tried to talk to me once, but Dudley found out and punched her so hard she got a bruise for months.

That's about it. Thank you for rescuing me from those monsters, Severus, "

Severus snarled in anger.Those damned muggles.One day they will suffer his wrath.

The poor boy. Drinking his own blood!That's why he was so pale the day Severus found him.

Calming himself, he sent Harry to sleep, vowing to deal with the Dursleys one day. Severus grabbed a cup of coffee and sat on the couch,still seething in anger.

Author's Note: Fixed my bad word usage, removed spider blood because you cannot drink that.
Also removed unnecessary plot points.

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