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           A/N:Ok so I left you on a terrible cliffhanger...which someone is very excited about...though they guessed wrong....hehehe...I think you know what it is by the picture...if you don't read on!Thanks for all your support and enjoy!

               A large golden beak pecked Harry as he removed his hands from his eyes as James called him to.James told him to call him Dad,but Severus will always be the real Dad to him.Back to the beak.Harry looked up and saw...a large golden creature with an eagle's head and a lion's body.Wings too."'s a..."Harry gasped "Griffin!!!"James Potter said excitedly."It's bred by the minister of mythical creatures!We of course,are famous,so duh we get them." Ugh,James was so boastful and proud.Anyways,he concentrated on the creature.It was actually a beautiful one and quite young,though old enough to...ride on. Harry smirked at that thought.

Dumbledore sat in his office,sucking a sherbet lemon,thinking.The boy was eight,soon going to Hogwarts.It was time to make plans.He had paid the Weasley's to fake-befriend him,and get Harry molded to what he needed.Firstly to destroy that scab,Voldemort,then to do things.To make him his personal assistant,a slave.Mcgonagall suddenly burst in,interrupting his glorious plans,and yelled,"SNAPE is EVIL!"Dumbledore rolled his eyes inwardly and though,duh woman,now you know?But calmly said to her,"My dear Minnie,he's fine,I'll keep an eye on him."Mcgonagall still seemed flustered but left.Dumbledore went back to his plans.All he needed to do is get Potter back in to the freakin Dursleys ! He needed a good plan...


James POV

Ah,little Harry is delighted with his new pet!James thought."Cmon Harry,let's go outside and we'll play with the griffin!"But as he said the very words,his arm ached painfully.The death mark.His grin slid off and was replaced with a grim frown.Already?He was really happy with the arrangement now,and Harry probably likes Potter manor more than Snivellus ' old hut.But he wasn't sure."Sorry Harry,change of plans,we're going to Voldemort's meeting now."He said,rather disappointed.

Harry's pov

Aw man,snake man again?Ugh,he always messes up his fun activities...last time,Dad was about to bring him to play Quidditch with Draco,but snake man almost broke Dad's arm.Now he wanted to ride his griffin,and snake man ruined it all again!Harry groaned and clutched James hand as they whisked off.

James' pov

James held Harry's little hand and apparated to Malfoy Manor.He arrived rather late,as always,and sat next to Sirius.Harry,meanwhile,sat next to Draco Malfoy.James smirked at Snivellus,who was looking queasy and staring at Harry."Attention!"Voldemort's loud voice snapped Snivellus outta it and he focuses on the dark lord."I have heard from some spies,that Dumbledore wants the boyyyyy"He hissed,his red eyes directed at Harry."as his personal slave.We must protect himmmm,as Potter will be our dark prince.Therefore,I have decided,I will take care of the boy till further notice.Understand!?"James's eyes widened as Snivellus gulped.Voldemort himself,taking care of poor Harry?Harry was absolutely terrified as well,as all colour drained from his face.He started to shudder,and Malfoy tried to calm him.

Harry's pov


A/N:How'd you like that? ;)

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