The Malfoys

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A/N:A new chapter! Anyways ,thanks for commenting, voting AND following everyone! Thank you for the support!I should shut up now,so enjoy the chapter!
p.s:Comment if you want Snucius!(Snape and Lucius)

Edit 25/3: Will do Jeverus, as suggested in comments.


Harry was rather unnerved when Severus went back for him the other day, expression stony as ever, telling him to pack up for a trip to the blonde family's manor. He had braced for another announcement of an upcoming Voldemort meeting, but apparently he was just supposed to be there to meet the actual owners of the house.

Draco, the boy his age and his father Lucius were there to welcome them there. Draco was pale as a ghost, his lips a stark contrast, as pink and rosy as they were. He didn't look up at him, however. His hands were tightly clasped, and he seemed afraid of Harry.

Lucius gave the poor boy a nudge and pointed look. Draco stuck his hand out immediately in response, though his lower lip was still quivering, 'Hi,welcome to Malfoy Manor.My name is Draco.Nice to meet you.' His father sent him an approving glance. The boy swelled with pride.

As Lucius led them in, Draco stopped abruptly to ask Harry if he would befriend him. It was a strange way to start a relationship, but he was won over by the pleading in Malfoy's large, grey eyes.

The two older men crowded around a table, whilst Harry couldn't help feeling glum within the colourless walls of Malfoy Manor. Draco, sensing his displeasure, brought him out to an outdoor pitch.

At first Harry recognised it as a football pitch, somewhere he had never experienced. The Dursleys certainly wouldn't bring him there, and Severus simply couldn't care less for Muggle culture.

But as the wide hoops met his gaze, and the realisation that the Malfoy's would dislike Muggles even more hit him, he realised this was another Wizardy thing.

Draco proudly told him that the pitch was their family's 'Private Quidditch pitch'.


'Quidditch, of course! Wait, you don't know what Quidditch is? I thought you were raised to be a wizard!' Draco eyed him suspiciously.

'I'm sure you know Sev isn't the type for sports and the such.' Harry pointed out. Draco paused for a moment and nodded. 'That's fine! I'll teach you it!'

Harry had marvelled at the fact flying brooms were a thing, and shuddered when imagining a Bludger threatening to bash his face in. 'Mommy doesn't let me use real ones, though.' It was slightly frightening to see Draco disappointed about such a thing. Frankly, Harry was grateful.

It was only after a few hours of playing when he heard a shriek. A woman Harry remembered was near Draco at the Death Eater meeting rushed out of the house. 'Draco! Get down from there at once!'

Harry stood awkwardly aside, Severus' glaring at him with pursed lips, and Draco's mother screaming at him. Lucius Malfoy wasn't bothered a bit, however. Harry received a stern reprimand. 'Don't just do whatever the Malfoy's tell you to. They aren't to be fully trusted.'

'Isn't Lucius your friend?' Harry questioned, puzzled.

'Keep your friends close, enemies closer, Harry. Lucius is a formidable opponent. He and I may seem close, but we're simply keeping an eye on each other.'

Edit 25/3: Changed a lot of plot, writing structure, grammar, spelling etc.

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