The fight for Harry

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A/N:Hi guys!No,this story ISN'T abandoned.I was just lazy...Anyways,enjoy and as always,thx for ALL your support!

Severus woke up and made breakfast while Harry slept on.As he sipped his coffee,a muggle delight,Severus flipped open the newspaper and sighed at the headline.MASS MURDERER SIRIUS BLACK PROVEN INNOCENT.Voldemort had requested him to make a potion that made the idiot Fudge and everybody think that Black had a trial that proved him innocent and that James stupid Potter was alive and well.A shiver went through his spine as a thought occurred to him.Harry's real godfather was Sirius Black,as Lily's will wrote. .Would he lose Harry?No,no...Dumbles or the dark lord won't allow it...right?He tried to assure himelf as another thought came.Dumble will certaintly trust fake Auror Potter no matter what...his only hope was Voldemort.He gulped the scalding hot coffee down and rushed to drink a calming draught and a throat healing potion.

"Good morning Dad,"Harry said cheerfully as he ran out from his room.He started to call Severus that as they grew closer."Hi Harry.I made breakfast,"Severus replied with a fake smile.After breakfast,Severus 's arm ached.He gulped.It was time to fight for the custody of Harry.

"We're meeting him again?"Harry asked,looking scared,"His red eyes are scary.."He said.Severus felt actually scared too,even more than he usually did.Harry's eyes suddenly lit up,"Can I bring Venenum?He might like me more."Venenum was his pet snake.It was latin for "poison"as the snake was a king cobra.(its really the latin version.I google translated it)

"Uh...sure."Severus was sure that Voldemort liked Harry a lot already.But sure.They apparated(Well,Harry side-apparated duh)to Malfoy Manor.Harry sat with Draco and they played with Venenum.Severus sat down and frowned as the only 2 empty seats were next to him.So its either Potter or Black.Voldemort walked in with both of them.They sat and smirked at Severus.He was sure both whispered "Snivellus".

The dark lord began the meeting by talking about his plans of Dumbles's death.When he finished,Black raised his hand and asked about the custody of Harry.Great,just great."Ah Sirius,i don't know who l'll choose.Maybe you and James take Harry home tonight?Let Harry choose later who he wants to live with.Everyone,dismiss."

Voldemort rose and apparated away.The few words broke Severus's heart and crushed it as Black took Harry's hand and Harry gave the same frightened look as he did when Severus met him when he was four.Severus apparated away before the tears fell in front of everyone.His worst nightmare came true.Harry was gone.

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