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Raising an eyebrow at Severus,James said loudly,'Why does he have no memory of us,yet he remembers Malfoy's spawn?'

Glaring at James to shut him up,Severus tried to smile as gently as he can.
'You can see him after lunch.'
Giving a questioning look at Severus and recieving another glare,James left the room and prepared lunch,annoyed.Why did his son prefer the hook nosed,greasy haired professer over his own father?No,you shouldn't think that.You have forgiven him right?

'Sooo I can see him after eating?'
Bringing him out,Severus forced the boy to sit and eat.'Yes.'

Pushing James Potter to a side as Harry threw food in his throat,he muttered,'We'll bring him to a healer.'

'I'm done!Can i see him yet?'

'Why does he like this boy ( 'and you?' He almost added )so much?James scowled.

Also forcibly cleaning him,(they both gaped at the scars and blood),they were ready to face the world.

Apparating to St Mungo's,The unlikely trio rode the 'confusing muggle lifts'.James waved at everyone he passed while Severus looked at the ground.

'Can you stop?!'Severus hissed as James waved at a bunch of old ladies.
And they continued moving slower than the old ladies.
Severus finally smacked James when he got tired of his wavings and Harry's 'Where's Draco?''s.

'Ow!Did you HAVE to do that?'

Reaching the memory loss specialist at last,(after many smacks and 'OW!''s,Severus knocked and went in.Eyes widening at the annoyed boy,furious hooded man and waving fellow,the healer beckoned them forward.

'Um...what may be the problem,wizards?'

'He forgot his memory of us.'

'Wait...James Potter?No way...this is Harry?Harry Potter???Such an honour!'

Proudly grinning,James nodded.'And Severus Snape,Professer at Hogwarts.'

'Ah yes.Wait,Harry forgot his memory?Our savior forgot his memory?'

'Yes.Can we know the name of this memory loss?'

'Yes yes yes...'
The excited yet worried healer flipped through the pages,flipping faster as he saw the face of the professer.

'Here it is!Page 394!And it's called...Amnesia.'

'Caused by trauma,or obliviation.'

Faces whitening,both men asked,'Can it be cured?'

'By the caster,yes.But if not the caster,you may need to trigger the victim's mind,or you can bring him to different places he has vivid memories of.If there's a strong trigger,all memories may come back.'

'If might take months,even years to heal.'


Minerva Mcgonagall put her cloak on,and apparated to Severus Snape's house,deciding to start an investigation of Harry's whereabouts,unknown of the boy's horrible torture,or if he was even alive.

Instead of Severus,Minerva only spotted a blood trail leading from the door,to a room,to the bathroom.
Horrified,she walked in the bathroom and saw children's ragged,bloody clothes in a pile,and a few blood spots on the wall.

'What had happened?!'She exclaimed to herself.

Jumping at the loud crack noise,she rushed out,almost walking straight into the three.
'Severus?James Potter?HARRY???'
The usually calm professer had to yell the names.

Also quite surprised at the woman in his house,Severus watched Minerva,the sassy Minerva Mcgonagall caress Harry,asking if he was alright.

'Who ARE you?'Harry blurted out.As James stepped forward,a piece of paper fell out from his pocket,which the eagle-eyed Mcgonagall spotted instantaneously.

Quickly swiping it from the floor,she swept it through with her eyes:

ST Mungo's Hospital For Magical Maladies And Injuries (A/N is this right?)

Name:Harry Potter

Blinking quite a few times,Minerva couldn't believe it.Harry James Potter...had amnesia?

'When did this happen!?'She demanded from them,

Glancing up at her,James Potter,infuriated,pointed at the man next to him:
'It was ALL his fault that my son forgot EVERYTHING except Malfoy!!!'
Raising his eyebrow slightly,Severus replied in a drawling voice,'Honestly,Potter,how is it my fault you didn't take care of your very own son?'
Their conversation was abruptly by a very grumpy boy,'Can we go now?'
'Go where?'
Minerva was so amazed yet furious with the two.
'SEE DRACO??!!!'
Minerva was so shocked she turned into a cat by mistake.
Red,she turned back human.'You really did mean Malfoy,James!'
'Harry,the adults need to talk.Why don't you watch the uh,movie box,' Smirking,James added,'It's a TV.' Shooting a glare at him,Severus continued ,'TV!'

Harry's face fell.He glared,but not in his kiddy way,but enraged.
Some sort of green aura surrounded him,growing.
However,Harry suddenly just slumped onto the couch,and switched the 'movie box'on.
The adults watched, Harry had resulted in,instead of attacking,or exploding,(which James thought would've happened),sitting on the sofa,watching an advertisement (Always Airlines!After all these flights?Always.)
calmly,like nothing happened.

They looked at each other,finally realising what the boy had in him,and that he could be the most powerful wizard ever existing in the Wizarding World. 

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