Back in town // PROLOGUE

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Back in town // PROLOGUE:

Four years ago:

Carlos gave me a wide eyed look and I felt like I was going to be sick as I stared at the white stick in my hand. Two lines means positive. I'm pregnant. I'm with child, homeless, on the streets with not a cent to my name.

"Noah," Carlos said calmly and I looked up at the wild brown haired, brown eyed boy, "Who's baby is it? Do you have any idea?"

I gulped and nodded slowly, "It's Asher's...Carlos I don't know what to do. I-I can't call him for help, I don't even know his number. It was in my phone I-I'm broke and can barely feed myself how am I going to-"

"Shh, it's okay. You're going to be okay." My friend wrapped an arm around me as I broke down. "You can come stay with my brother and I, do some work for him. You'll be back on your feet in no time."

"Alright, Ms. Carson, are you ready for this?" The doctor asked with a grin. I nodded then Carlos, Christian and Stephan smiled at me then we both turned to look up at the ultrasound machine.

"So what is it?" I asked the doctor and he moved the scanner around my stomach a little more before his eyes went wide.

"They're boys."

My eyes widened in horror and I looked up at my best friends, "did he just- did you just say they?"

He nodded, "Yes. Congratulations, Noah. You're going to be the mom of three beautiful little boys."

Three and a half years ago:

They handed me the first blue eyed, blonde haired angel while they cleaned off the other. Tears streamed down my face and I heard the door click open, soon Stephan, Christian and Carlos stumbled in with eyes widened with joy.

Tiny fingers curl around my pinky. I watch the newborn peer through brand new eyes at what must be such a strange world after life in the womb. His legs kick in a tiny jagged motion, looking for that resistance they are used to I guess, but finding nothing but air. I wonder if that's unsettling or a relief, it must have been pretty cramped in there. When he stretches his hands barely rise above his head and I smile at how pure and precious he is. He's such a doll. Then he began to fret and cry, everyone tells me how annoying that's going to be, but it's so cute I almost cry. This is a new person, and I'm already filling up with love for him.

In my other arm, they placed my other son. They were identical but I could already tell them apart. I smiled down at him and pressed a kiss against his head.

"So, what're their names?" Stephan asked, coming to my side and resting a head on my shoulder. Carlos and Christian followed behind him and cooed over how sweet the babies were.

I looked to my left, without hesitation, the words fled my mouth, "Theodore Asher Carson." I swayed my head to the right, "And Gabriel Caden Carson."

"Beautiful." The nurse smiled gently before writing them down.

We all began to celebrate, as happy as I was I still felt guilty. Guilty that no one back home knew about this joyous occasion, guilty that Asher will never know his sons, guilty that I have to hide this from my family in fear of the wrong person finding out.

I loved them, and this is something my sisters and I have always talked about, something we'd be there for each other when it happens. But they couldn't be here. We've all drifted and rarely talk and it shatters my heart at the mere thought of them doing things together, without me. I want them here.

"Wait..." I said with wide eyes then looked up at the doctor, "Where's my other baby?"

One year ago:

"P-please...I'll have your money." The man was on his hands and knees, begging for mercy.

I scowled, "Oh quit your whining. You've already been warned."

"Honey-" the woman began to scream but I pulled her closer to me and used the knife in my hand to slit her throat. Her warm blood dripped into my hands and in my clothes before I pushed her forwards to the ground. The woman went limp as puddles of scarlet formed around her lifeless body.

I let out a humorless giggle and Stephan walked up to me and slung an arm around my shoulder. "Good job, Ace." He pressed a kiss against my lips.

I didn't feel anything for him, we aren't dating or anything. Friends with benefits. No strings attached.

"Please just-" Stephan rolled his eyes at the man's voice then held his arm back and shot him, hitting him right right in the temple. The man fell and I cocked an eyebrow.


"The money?" I said in a 'duh' tone and he shrugged.

"I'll get it for you one way or another."

"That was my product, not yours. If I don't get that money I'm going to kill-"

"Shh." He shushed me and tugged at my bloodstained t-shirt. "You'll get it." He murmured against my neck before pulling my shirt above my head.

"Right here? Right now?" I asked incredulously and he nodded with a smirk. "Oh my god you're so demented."

"What are we going to tell our future kids about the honeymoon?" I asked teasingly.

"Tell them the truth." He pulled me up and placed me in the back seat of his truck. "How we visited the twelve most dangerous places in the U.K. and screwed our brains out in every single one."

"God your accent is so fucking hot." I whispered before grabbing his collar and pulling him toward me.

Two months ago:

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Theo and Gabe! Happy birthday to you!" The guys and I sang causing the two angels to giggle.

I kissed each of their cheeks, "Mwah. I can't believe my babies are already four."

"Me neither!" They chorused and I grinned proudly. "Alright, let's get you to school."

"Why'd we sing before school?" Christian asked as he and Stephan helped them out on their backpacks.

"I wasn't going to let their pre-school teachers sing before I did." I scowled and Stephan grinned at my reaction. "Alright. Let's go. All of you out of my house." I shooed everyone out the door.

I waited back and stared as my friends who I considered family ran out of the door, laughing as if they'd seen the funniest thing on earth.

It's amazing how much can change in four years...

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