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Hey y'all wanna hear how crazy my school is? We get out at 2:10 right? But at 1:30 they called a lock-in lock out, and turns out that there was some crazy dude who killed a girl in the woods of my school, we have over 20 acres of woods, it's a weird magnet school with biotechnology and zoology, then there's another school that's IT and an aerospace technology school, but basically this guy killed his wife, was on the run IN MY SCHOOL PROPERTY, them barricaded himself in the apartments down the street, but when they got in he escaped so now an hour later they let us all out, they called us by town (it's an interdistrict school), and my town was first. I went outside and instantly they had all of us kids on my bus line up and police officers surrounded us then herded us onto the bus, and our favorite security guard at school who's never panicked, comes on COMPLETELY panicked, and says "don't worry..." then turned to my friggin bus driver and goes "drive as fast and as far away as possible now." Then he got off the bus and we sped down the driveway thingy from our school, passing the swat team, police officers oml it was all just insane and I needed to tell someone. Literally there are still kids in school right now cause of the lock in-lock out. And there's still a murderer in the loose near my school.

This was insane but my school in general is pretty messed up, I mean during my freshman year of high school, there was this lockdown. but it was cause when we were in line to get out bags checked and go through the metal detectors n stuff, there was this group of kids from a gang that pushed through and started this insane mosh pit sort of fight and no one could stop it, they were trying to get revenge on this one guy cause of something with his sister (rival gangs) and they had guns and knives, they put us all in lockdown by sending kids up to their classrooms but I was IN line so they had me sit in the cafeteria until they could find all the gang members that got into our school. Literally we were in lockdown the entire day and all we did was make memes, it was great 😂 my friend was literally held at knife point in the bathroom by these guys and it was nuts

For those of you wondering, my school is in Bridgeport/Trumbull of Connecticut, Bridgeport is considered 'ghetto' but the school itself is a really great school, the building itself is beautiful but we have metal detectors and stuff to keep it that way. They try and make us look all nice with labcoats and shit but it doesn't lmao.

But literally I needed to tell SOMEONE about today so I hope you all enjoyed my crazy day st school story :))


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