// Doe Eyed

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* sorry frens that I haven't uploaded recently. I've been busy with school, and just going places, in the middle of nowhere, and the movies (I've watched IT twice and my parents are forcing me to see Jeepers Creepers).

"Laughing Kookaburra, hmp."
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Word Count: 773

I took a seat at a table in Taco Bell. My friend Kennedy begged me to go, but ditched me as soon as I got here; however, there's food, so I can't pass it up. I thanked the lady who came with something they messed up by accident. I extracted the Diet Pepsi from the cup, and squinted my eyes at the foul taste. I grabbed my soft shell and went to go take a bite; however, a man came into my vision. I could see him giving me small glances, causing me to foil my eyes away into another direction. I could feel the table move as someone came and sat in the booth with me. I could hear them cough, trying to get my attention. I slowly looked up to the doe eyes man smiling at me with his meal in his hands. "I'm sorry to both you, but we were both looking at each other," he started to talk. His voice was soft, but deep like a mans tone. "I'm Tyler, I'm in a band, I love Taco Bell, and I'm also a loser. And, I would like to get to know you, since, you're, really pretty and all."

"I'm (Y/N), I'm bad at talking, I'm not confident, I am college student, I love Taco Bell, and I, would like you get to know you too," I looked over to the window to see the friend that ditched me, she was tapping the window and smiling like an idiot. "Speak of the devil," Tyler looked over to her as well and she ducked; though, she walked in soon after.

"Sorry, but, I had to do something, that's why I ditched, but I'm here now," she giggled. "Anyways, who's your friend here?"

"I'm Tyler," he introduced himself.

"We just met," I said laughing.

Kennedy walked to the counter to order food and came back. She sat next to me as she pushed her hair back. "Welp, I'm Kennedy."

"Nice to meet you Kennedy."

We all finished our meals. "Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hm," I turned around to Tyler.

"Here's my number in case you want to hang out sometime."

"Would tomorrow be okay?"

He stood there for a minute. "Yeah," he had a smile on his face.

God damn those doe eyes.

"I'll text you later then."

I went home and plopped myself onto the couch. The soft music I always played rung into my eyes and I started to hum the tune slightly.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house."

I grabbed my phone and put Tyler's number into it.

(Y/N): This is Tyler, right?

???: Only if this is (Y/N)?"

(Y/N): Yes! That's me!

Tyler: So, if we hang out tomorrow, where should we go?

(Y/N): How does the zoo sound? I know their usually busy and it's a weird place to hang out, but I fricken love animals.

Tyler: That actually sounds pretty good. I'll tell Josh where I am and so on.

(Y/N): Is Josh and friend of your's?

Tyler: Yeah! He's my band mate; Jishwa plays drums.

(Y/N): Band? So that means you can sing? You know you're going to let me listen one day.

Tyler: I'm sure.

(Y/N): So, zoo at eleven o' clock?

Tyler: Sounds good to me!

I grabbed my purse and locked the apartment behind me as I walked downstairs to the open parking lot. The bus usually had rides to the zoo for free, so I decided to take my chance. "Hey (Y/N)! Coincidence to see you here, yeah?"

"I mean a little, yeah," I giggled. "You must not live too far if you're on the bus?"

"I just live down the street," he smiled.

"Me too," a smile covered my face.

"Since it's so hot, were putting a discount on the price. Only five dollars a person from ten to three pm," Tyler gave the women money. "Have a nice day you two."

"Look at all of the pretty peacocks," I smiled, pointing at the colorful blue birds.

We walked over to a big cage after looking at the ant eater. "Laughing Kookaburra? hmp," Tyler smirked. "AHEHEHEHEH," he looked around, "the bird made that noise."

I laughed. "Wow."

"What?" He chuckled. "It wasn't me, it was the bird."

"Right," I smiled.

Months later, Tyler, Kennedy, and I took our seats at the same spot we first met. "You guys should date," Kennedy spoke.

"Hey fresh eyes, wanna go out some time, on a date?" Tyler looked at me.

I smiled. "Yes, doe eyes."


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