The Rest Of How Does It Feel!?! & Family Values and Love

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Vendetta was at Norris' place laughing and chatting with him on his couch she's been there since school got out now it's the middle of the night and before you get any ideas NO they DIDN'T do anything just sat and talked about random shit as he's always done Norris did whatever he could to make her happy again she looks into his eyes and smiles then says softly "thanks Norris!.... I....!"  he smiles softly back "don't mention it!.... I'm just glad to see you smile instead of cry.... I don't like it when you cry"  he says softly as he gently wipes a stray tear away with his thumb and she blushes "did he....!?!"  Norris asks "what!?!.... no!!.... he would never!.... well.... not ME anyway!.... I'm just really confused right now and need a friend.... not a....!"  she replies Norris nods and says softly "I understand...."  just like he does with Veronica Norris has had a crush on Vendetta ever since he first saw and met her he was the only person outside Logan, Duncan and Veronica who didn't believe the rumors that spread like wildfire about her in school even though everyone thinks of him as a bully he is actually really sweet just lost and alone.... much like she is.... was.... and now is again it would seem.... she gets a call from Keith that night while she was still at Norris' place asking if she has seen Veronica "no Uncle K I haven't seen her all day why?!.... what!?!.... ok.... I'll try to find her.... no.... Eli's off doing his own thing.... well I guess you could say we're "taking a break".... I'll find a way Uncle K.... I always do!"  she says into the phone when she hangs up she asks Norris "so!.... V tells me you collect weapons.... mind if I borrow some!?"  he tilts his head and looks at her curiously and she tells him "Veronica hasn't been answering her phone.... and if Uncle K is worried.... it's never a good sign!"  Norris nods then runs to his room unlocking it and brings out a bunch of Chinese stars and other weapons "do you know how to use these!?!"  he asks she gives him a sly smile and replies "oh Norris you'd be surprised what I know how to do!"  he says with a smile "no I wouldn't!"  she laughs "come on!.... let's go find your cousin!"  he says and they run out the door to his car he throws his weapons in the backseat and covers them with a blanket then gets in the drivers seat and they take off "she was coming from the Kane's place.... so let's start there"  she tells him he nods and heads in that direction...."wait!.... stop!.... that's her car!"  Vendetta says quickly Norris slams on the breaks and they look over at Veronica's smashed car "it's empty!"  she whispers "why!?!"  Vendetta searches her surroundings "that house!.... up there!"  she says as she points to a lone house a little ways away from Veronica's car Norris nods and steps on the gas when they reach it he stops the car she searches through the weapons to find something she can use.... well she could use them all but.... she pick up a few stars and a gun hoping that it's loaded Norris grins at her and says "oh!.... it is!"  she smiles back at him and gets in the car he follows her and they separate to search the house she walks to one side of the outside of it he walks the other.... she finds Aaron walking around a chest freezer sniffing a gas can "YOU!!"  she shouts angrily and before he can answer she pulls the trigger and shoots him in the heart.... hearing the gunshot both Norris and Keith.... who had just saw Veronica's car for himself.... come running up to her "Norris!!.... the freezer!!"  she waves at the chest freezer and Norris nods rushing up to it once he got it open he pulls out a very surprised Veronica who was shocked to see his smiling face looking down at her "one good thing about making friends with a Mars girl Norris.... never a dull moment! "  Vendetta says Norris laughs Veronica looks over and sees her father come up behind Vendetta "DAD!!"  Veronica says Norris gently sets her down and she runs over and gives her dad a hug "Uncle K Norris Clayton.... Norris.... Keith Mars"  Vendetta introduces the two of them Norris smiles at him and Keith says softly out of breath "hi!"  Vendetta teases "yes yes I know you have probably arrested him a time or two.... but it's only right that I introduce my helpful hero sidekick who's off saving damsels in distress everywhere he goes!"  Keith laughs "as for that guy....!"  she says as she waves at Aaron's dead body then she says "I don't think he even had a heart"  Keith walks over and hugs her "why don't you come over here and join us Nor.... just no groping my uncle huh"  Vendetta says Norris laughs as he joins in on the group hug "oh no you don't!.... she just got her mom back AND found out that you are her biological father there is no way she is losing you after all this!.... if I have to go back in then so be it!.... you are NOT taking the rap for me either of you!"  Vendetta says to Keith as she looks her uncle in the eyes and Norris takes the gun out of her hand then says "excuse me!"  he walks off and shoots the gun at a random spot in the woods....

Vendetta MarsWhere stories live. Discover now