Chapter Seven: Ennard's Confessions

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I danced around my room, with the door closed and locked, singing a song I wrote that I heard on the TV.
My heart starts beating,
My room stays quiet, but inside I'm screaming,
Do I feel love? I don't have a clue,
Ennard, will you love me,
Cause I love, I love you."
I changed a few words to act as if I was talking about myself. James' voice in my head grunted. 'Are you seriously in love with him?'  "Yes, I am!" I yelled, flopping on the bed and laughing.
"I'm in love, James!"😻❤💖

Little did I know that a particular someone was sitting at my door, listening to me sing that same line, over and over again.

Lolbit was walking around the pizzeria when they stumbled upon Ennard. "Oh, darling! Are you hurt? Do you need anything repaired?" Ennard shook his head and blushed at my door. "Oh my," Lolbit said, "You couldn't be..." Ennard stared at Lolbit and blushed. This time he made a clicking noise and gurgled. "No!" yelled Lolbit, "You are sick!" Ennard looked worried, as if to say, "W-what is it?" Lolbit pointed at my door. "You're lovesick! You're in love with Melany, aren't you, darling?!" Ennard blushed and nodded again.
"Oh! I MUST tell the others!❤" Lolbit jumped up and only made 5 steps before Ennard wrapped his tentacle-like wires around Lolbit and brought them towards his face. He growled and hissed while Lolbit began to sweat. "Y-You know what? I'll just keep my snout shut, okay, darling?" Ennard dropped Lolbit and went up to a vent. He gave Lolbit another glare, who did a goofy grin with a sweat drop sliding down their head. Ennard rolled his eyes, grunted, and left.
"Goodness me," said Lolbit as they dusted their self off, "I can't believe he loves her! I gotta tell... wait, if Yenndo told everyone else, then Ennard would find out and have my head! Oh ho ho!" (Dramatically holds onto neck. Really?😂) "I need to just keep my snout shut. Oh, Melany darling ...if only you knew. Ha, our little Ennard found someone... little ol' Ennard finally found someone who loves him the way he is."
Lolbit concluded their statement and walked back to their room.

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