Chapter Twenty-Two: Secret's Blown

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I drove to work and went inside the pizzeria. I went to my room to see if Ennard was there. "Ennard! I'm back in action!" Not in my room. "Hm. Maybe he's in the bathroom...?" I went to the bathroom and found nothing. "Okay. Time to get to the bottom of this," I said as I raced down the hall. That was when I ran into Baby.
"Hey, uh, have you seen Ennard anywhere? He's not in my room, Baby." "He's in the office, Melany," Baby informed, "I told him that you needed to be there a little more. Sorry about that." I tapped her shoulder and said, "No no, it's okay," I laughed with her. She said goodbye and I walked away.

The office door was open, and Ennard was in the corner close to the table. He had his back turned towards me. "Ennard!" I excitedly shouted. "Don't come near me!" he warned, not moving from his position. "What?" I was confused. "I... I don't want to hurt you again, Melany." I stood behind him and said, "Ennard, we're not doing this." He turned around and stood up in the corner, looking away from me. "... How are your arms...?" "They're fine, thanks. Now as for you..." I made Ennard look at me, "I know you can hear me. Yesterday was an accident, okay?! I thought you knew that. Like I said, we're not doing this... this jacked up talk thing. Got it?"

Ennard looked down at me, sighed, and gave me a hug, being careful not to bother my arms. I can't believe I kept it from Adrian about them. She would've freaked if she thought I'd been cutting myself. Anyway, Ennard sat down in the office chair. "I've been feeling down," he finally admitted. I made my "Ah-ha!" face and giggled. "It happens to the best of us," I smiled.

There was a knock on the door. I grabbed the monitor and noticed that it was Lolbit. "Darling?!❤Could you be a dear and open the door, please?" I giggled, "Yeah, sure thing." They stepped in dramatically and said, "Oh goodness, I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?" "No," Ennard growled and I tried to hide a snicker. "That'd be weird," I mumbled.
"Anyway, I need to show you two something I did, darlings!" The fox grabbed me and Ennard by the hands and headed for the Control Module. Ennard and I stood by the table when we got there, wondering what Lolbit was doing. Yenndo was drinking some oil and he waved. "Okay, what are they doing?" Ennard asked me. I responded and shrugged with a "No clue." "Alright!" Lolbit crashed into the room with a giant poster. "TA-DAAA!!❤❤The poster had me and Ennard from the show, at the part in which he kissed me.
"Lolbit!!!" I screamed, "You said that you wouldn't tell anyone!" "I had nothing to do with this!" Yenndo stood in the corner and hid behind his drink. " 'Bout what, darling?" Now they were oblivious to the situation!

"Our secret, you dumb ass!" Ennard charged at Lolbit, who dropped the poster. Yenndo sped-walked out the Control Module and headed to the auditorium. "I'm sorry, darlings! I said that I would keep my snout shut, and I forgot! I forgot about it, honest! I'm sorry Yenndo ended up finding out about it!!" Lolbit pleaded. "Ennard... don't hurt them. Let's just leave," I told him. Ennard growled at Lolbit and bolted out the room.
I race-walked, trying to catch up with him. "Ennard, slow down! Just cuz I'm an adult doesn't mean I have long legs!" Ennard stopped abruptly and grabbed my shoulders. "Aren't you angry?!" I tapped his hand. "Yes, I am, but my anger builds up different. If Lolbit bothers me again, before I calm down, I'll flip out."
Ennard knelt down and hugged me. "Can we go back to your room?" he asked. I nodded my head and we went on our way. When we got there, I opened the fridge and found some of my leftover cheesy pasta. I figured that I could fix it for early breakfast. Ennard sat in the pink chair and held his head in his hands. I was done fixing my pasta when I felt his arms flop over my shoulders. "I wish I could eat again." He laid his head on top of mine. "Well you can't; I'm afraid that something could get stuck in your voice box," I informed him. That was when I felt him get heavier than he already was.
"Oh no! Gravity's pulling me down!" Ennard leaned over on me and fell out on the bed. I sat down beside him and laughed between bites of the pasta. I put my bowl on the dresser; I was too lazy to put my dishes in the sink. "Now Ennard," I glanced over at the robot, "I've been wondering; how did you get your voice?" Ennard sat up and shrugged. "I dunno. Stand up." Confused, I stood up.
He sat in my spot and I sat in between his legs. "This feels weird..." I mumbled. "Only if you make it weird," Ennard played with my hair. I took out my ponytail holder and he began to braid my hair. Later on, I fell asleep in his lap.

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