Chapter Ten: Back to Work

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When I woke up, I smelled bacon. (Bacon memes everywhere!😏) Getting dressed wasn't so hard, except for my knee. It was still hurting, but for the most part, I was fine. "Hey Melany! How many eggs do you want?" I checked my watch and saw that it was 11:10 p.m. "Why are you fixing eggs at night, Adrian?" I asked, coming down the stairs.
"I was watching Dragon Ball Super and I got hungry for eggs," she said, placing my plate in front of me. We talked about silly stuff until it was 11:30. "Oh shit," I said, "Adrian, I'm sorry but I gotta get going!" She put our plates in the sink and smiled. "Don't sweat it, Mel! It's only the second week! Kick its ass, girl!" I waved goodbye to her and jumped in the car.
"You forgot something!" Adrian shouted before I left. "Oh!" I caught my backpack when she threw it at me. Sticking my key in the ignition switch, I drove to Circus Baby's Pizza World. When I went through the elevator, I hopped out and walked to the Funtime Auditorium, where I saw EVERYONE, from Baby to Yenndo. They all got quiet and looked at me when I said, "I'm back!"
"MELANY'S BACK!!!" the animatronics shouted, coming over to greet me. (Chapter One Reference😉) We talked until Baby said that it was 12:00, and we all had to get back to work. She took me to my office; she noticed that I stayed in my room a lot. "Ennard should be showing up soon," Baby said in her sweet voice. I nodded and opened my lunch; the eggs didn't fill me up, even though I ate 6. (So what? I'm a big girl.)
As I worked my way through my sandwich and chips, I checked the monitor and noticed that Ennard was in the hallway, headed towards the office. "Hm. Baby must've told him that I was back," I mumbled through a mouthful of bologna and mayonnaise. Ennard popped into the room and smiled. "Ennard! I missed you so much!" I got up and hugged him. He hugged me tight. "Wanna go to my room? I'm done eating," I asked him, and he nodded happily. I threw away my trash, turned off the monitor, grabbed my backpack, and headed down the hall, my hand entwined with a blushing Ennard.

When we got to my room, Ennard crashed on my bed and snored loudly. Confused and blushing, I found a note on my dresser from Baby. It said, "Ennard stayed awake for two days waiting for you, Melany. I think that's adorable. Anyway, if he falls asleep on you or anything, you'll know why! ~ Baby"
"That's sweet," I said with a smile. Setting my backpack down next to the toilet, I grabbed hold of the sink; my knee was hurting again. The pain was on and off. Trying to get my mind off of it, I leaned over and looked at Ennard and blushed. The poor thing was so excited to see me and feel my presence that he was stretched out like a starfish: one arm was out the bed, the other one was across his face. His left leg was also on the floor.
'Ugh, we're back here again.' James was at it again, and it wasn't like my knee was bothering me already!😒 "Dude, I'm still having trouble with my knee. I don't want a headache too," I sighed softly, until I heard a soft, young voice calling me. "Help... help me..." Stepping out the bathroom and into the bedroom, I thought Ennard called me. But, I remembered that he couldn't talk when I saw that he was still peacefully sleeping.
"Who was that?" I asked out loud. 'D-Don't mind it, Mel,' James said, sounding a little shaken, 'That was just a bad memory. Don't worry about it.'  I was confused and angry when the pain of my head and knee mixed. "James, who was that?" James kept quiet, which made me angrier. "Oh, quiet now, aren't we? Answer me! Who was that talking, James?!"
I didn't see Ennard get up up and try to hug me when he woke up. Holding my head at the fact that James was angry at me, he shouted. 'Stop asking about the memories! We all have them! Let it go, Melany !!!'  "Oh my God, fine!!" With my eyes closed, I turned around to Ennard and screamed, "LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU MONSTER!!!" James chuckled as my headache faded away.

'Hah, gotcha.'

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