The Broken Badass part-1

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I was walking to school when I heard someone call my name; I froze in my tracks.
"Avery!" I heard. I hesitated but slowly turned around to see my sorta-friend, Jax. By sorta-friend I mean we used to be great friends, but that all changed when we got to high school.
"Hey, Jax," I said, forcing a smile on my face. "What's up?"
"Nothing," he returned. "I just saw you walking and thought I'd say hi."
"Okay, cool," I replied as we continued our walk to school in silence.
Once we got to school he waved goodbye.
"Bye, Ja..." But he was already gone. I shrugged and continued cautiously to class. I was almost there when I felt myself being pushed to the ground.
"Watch it, nerd," the queen B.S., bitch slut as I call them, Sara, said while her minion laughed. People looked at me with looks of pity but wouldn't dare help me. They all probably expected me to cry, and, frankly, I did, too, but I got up and finished walking to my favorite class, art, not letting them see the effect they have on me. Since I was still early, I took my seat in the back near the window with a sigh while I waited for the teacher.
Five minutes later, my favorite teacher, Miss Kelly, entered with a smile on her face.
"Hello, class," she greeted.
Miss Kelly was very pretty; she was about 5'7, mid 20's, tanned skin, curly brown hair, and rich brown eyes. "Today we will be sketching. Draw something with meaning and something from your heart," she finished, and I got to work

^^40 mins later^^

^^ her drawing^^After forty additional minutes, I completed my work

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^^ her drawing^^
After forty additional minutes, I completed my work.
Then I went to my next class like any other day.

^^at lunch^^
I was on my way to lunch when I got slapped across the face but I couldn't feel it I was immune to little pain like that after what I've been through. Just thinking of that started to make me tear up. But of course, Sara thought I was crying because of her and started laughing. She tried to hit me again but this time I felt something inside me snap. I grabbed her hand and twisted it before it made contact with my face.
"Ow! What the fück!" She then looked at me with a snarl. "You bitch!"
I swear my green eye changed to the color of my dark black eye when she said that, and I think she noticed by the way her eyes widened and she tried to step back. But I grabbed her and punched her straight in the nose. When I heard a satisfying crack, I pulled her close to me, getting the blood on me that was pouring out of her nose.
" Listen here, bitch, 'cause I'm only going to say this once," I said to her in a low and threatening tone. I felt her shake. "You have no control over me whatsoever anymore, and I'm leaving for a while, but when I come back, you'd better stay out of my way, or you'll be sorry." I punched her one last time in the jaw, and she was out like a light. When I looked up I saw a crowd standing there, wide-eyed and watching. I smirked and walked away, not looking back. I went to my abandoned apartment that I took when I ran away.

^^where she lives^^I know it looks creepy on the outside, but on the inside, it's not that bad

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^^where she lives^^
I know it looks creepy on the outside, but on the inside, it's not that bad. I'm grateful for everything I have. I went to my room and packed up everything that I own; then I walked out my door and walked away, not really sure where I was going.
+Hi, my little nuggets! Well this is my first chapter, and I hope you like it; if people start to read this, I'll definitely add more. I love you all! xoxo, Kayley

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