The Broken Badass part-19

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I woke up and looked at the time 4:30 am I knew I wouldn't fall back asleep so I got up. I walked down to the kitchen and made some coffee. I walked I. The kitchen and saw someone staring at me and almost screamed.
"Ret my god are you trying to give me a heart attack!" I hissed.
"Not particularly," He told me.
"Anyways what are you doing up?" I said walking to the coffee maker, want some?"
"Yah sure, and just couldn't sleep you?" He asked.
"Just woke up," I told him bringing the coffee over.
I sat next to him on the couch and we turned on the TV.
"Were still friends right?" He asked out of nowhere.
"Of course your my best friend, your the first one who took talked to me and became my friend in the gang," I told him, "Why?"
"It's just that- I feel like we haven't been as close and I love you and don't want to lose you," He told me.
      "I love you too as friends right?" I told him truthfully.
"No," he said putting out cups down and taking my hands, "I mean I really love you please if you gave me a chance I know I could make you happy."
"Ret I'm with Jack I love him your my friend my best friend that's how we've always been and should be," I told him sternly and got up.
"Please it can be different," and he did something I thought he would never do he kissed me.
I stepped back immediately and slapped him as hard as I could,
"Fück you Ret how could you do this to me!" I yelled at him walking towards the front door.
"I-I'm sorry," he told me.
I slammed the door hopped on my bike and started driving. Until I saw a bright light and then I saw nothing.
*Ret's P.O.V*
Shit, she ran away. And I heard someone come downstairs.
"What happened?" Jack of all people came down.
"Avery ran out," I told him not looking into his eyes.
"And you didn't stop her!" He yelled.
"No...," I told him.
"Have you forgotten that TRAVIS IS AFTER HER!" He bellowed at me.
And then it hit me, this can be the last time I saw her.
"We need to find her," I said like an idiot.
"No shit Sherlock, everybody get up now!" He roared.
Everyone came down looking as tired as ever.
"What the hell do you want," Alex yawned.
"Avery's gone and we need to find her," Jack told them and they all seemed to wake up immediately.
"Let's stick together and drive around the city she can't be that far," he told us, "Everyone pair up and get in a car."
Everyone got a partner and I was left with Jack. We all got into our cars with us leading and started driving with were about a mile away when we saw something near a tree. He stopped the car and got out along with everyone else. We walked towards the tree and saw a motorcycle Avery's motorcycle.
"What is that?" Ryan said pointing to a tiny puddle.
Jack went closer to it, "blood," he told us.
"The bike looks like it was most likely hit and swerved into the tree," he told us.
"Then what happened to Avery?" Zac asked.
"The person that hit her most likely took her and that person was most likely Travis." He told us.
*Avery's P.O.V*
   I woke up in a cold room chained to a wall. I didn't scream I didn't make any noise I remembered this place. It was the place of my nightmares.
       "Well well well, if it isn't my runaway daughter," I heard a voice.
       "And my runaway babydoll," and another.
        They can into the light. And it was not only Travis but my dad.
      "Did you miss us?" Travis asked I gave him silence.
        "Answer when we talk to you," my dad yelled at me kicking me in the ribs.
        "Not yet," Travis told him. He walked closer to me and squared so he was face to face with me sitting.  And he grazed my cheek, "You've gotten gorgeous haven't you," I didn't look at him. "Look at me when I talk to you." He growled grabbing my face to face him. "I bet Aiden would become so handsome like you." And he got me.
"You bastard!" I screamed at him.
"And she speaks," he chuckled at me and a dark look came in his eyes. Let's have some fun.
*grim scenes below*
"Get the other room ready," he told my dad and he left.
Travis unhooked my chains and dragged me to a small room with a small cot. This soon. Why I wasn't ready. He pushed me on the cot and took off my hoodie, following with my sports bra, shorts, and underwear.
      "God your beautiful," he told me in a sick voice kissing my neck, "but... a little birdie told me you got yourself a new boyfriend," he said starting to choke me till I couldn't breathe, "but your mine remember." I had to nod, he smiled and let me go, "now kiss me back." He started kissing me and I didn't have a choice he started lowering his hands and I started crying, he unzipped his pants and I tried to go numb until it was all over.
      He finished and left me with just my underwear, bra, and shorts. I put them all quickly not caring about the hoodie and just wanting to cover myself up.
        "You better behave or you won't have any close at all got it?" He told me and I nodded.
       He took me to a new room full of blood and a table of knives and guns.
"What should we do first? He asked my dad.
"Dad please..." I begged.
   "You have no idea how much I hate you my love for you died the day your mother died," he yelled at me. And gave Travis a gun he tied my hands with rope and tied me with a chain on the ceiling so that if I did fall I would die.
       My dad aimed to take the first shot but Travis bumped him and it missed my head by an inch.
       "We're not killing...yet, "Travis told him and he nodded.
        He took another shot and I got hit in the leg but refused to make a sound another in my arm, and one in my bad shoulder. Travis stopped him took me down and tied me to a pole.  And started using the knives in different ways, but mostly deep slashes. But I knew he wouldn't let me die I would wake up with multiple stitches and this would happen again. And all of the torture continued.

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