The Broken Badass part-16

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I woke up ready to get dressed just like any other day I rolled over and saw a sleeping Jack and decided to just leave him there and let him sleep more. I got up and picked out my outfit for an assignment.

^^ Avery's outfit in the middle, Taylor's outfit on top and Alex's outfits at the bottom except  Alex's weapons are switched with Avery's get it ok^^ I put on some eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick and went to go wake up Jack

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^^ Avery's outfit in the middle, Taylor's outfit on top and Alex's outfits at the bottom except  Alex's weapons are switched with
Avery's get it ok^^
I put on some eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick and went to go wake up Jack. I went to his side of the bed and gave him a light kiss on the lips
"Jackkk time to get up" I whispered into his ear and his eyes started to open up.
"What" he groaned so I slapped his chest...hard.
"Ow shit fück what was that for?" He cussed.
"You wouldn't get up," I shrugged, "Anyways the girls and I have an assignment but we'll be back later, and can you please get rid of any evidence of Sara being here pleaseee?" I asked him.
"Yeah sure, what kind of assignment you guys gotta do?" He wondered.
"Oh, just a little problem the gangs have been having," I told him.
He looked at me strangely before he finally nodded.
"Anyways I gotta go," I told him and gave him a quick kiss.
I walked downstairs to grab a banana and went to the intercom and called for Taylor and Alex and they came down.
"Ok do you both have guns on you," I asked which they both shook their heads no.
"Ok both of you go to the weapon room and grab 2 Beretta Px4 Storms and we'll go," I told them and they nodded. I started eating the banana while they grabbed the guns when I heard some weird buzzing sound and I swear I saw a flash but it's probably just my paranoia getting to me. They both came downstairs and we hopped in one of our trucks and I started driving to East Palo Alto we got to the warehouse and we got out. We grabbed our guns and put on our masks and went inside, they were having a meeting which was perfect.
"Ok, there is 9 of them so each kill three I'm  gonna get the boss got it," I told them and they nodded we ran and I shot one in the head and one in the throat I saw that Taylor and Alex were doing the same and I got ready to kill the boss when he was no longer in his chair. I felt a cold object touch the back of my head,
"Put the gun down and take off the mask" So I dropped it and took off my mask and told the girls to do the same.
"Both of the guns," he told us, and so we did. But what he didn't know was that we all had knives ready to kill.
"Sit down," He told us and we all took a seat.
"So devil eyes we meet at last," he said and I smiled sweetly at him, "pleasures all mine."
"Wish I could say the same," I told him he rose his gun and shot my shoulder.
"Damn calm down," I told him steading my breath not ready to show weakness to him.
"Ok now that I know that I have your attention lets get down to  business, you killed my men." He told me.
"You took my money," I responded, and I got my knife ready.
"So what do you wanna do—" he didn't have a chance to finish I threw his gun across the room and stabbed him in the throat.
"Well, would you look at that," I said to no one in particular and looked at my shoulder. It was bleeding that's for sure. So I took off his handkerchief and took his shoelaces tied them to together and tied it to my shoulder to help the bleeding.
"Let's go," I told them, we left and got in the car ready to drive away we were about 15 minuets into it when I realized that the same car has been behind us for 10 minutes.
"Hold up I think we have a tail," I told them and took a right they were still there, another right they're still there, another right he's gone. I was quiet the rest of the ride and hooked my phone into the aux cord and put on "welcome to my black parade" by MCR

We listened to that and more till we got home. I got out of the car and went to the kitchen. I opened up the liquor cabinet and grabbed a bottle of vodka and went up to my room chugging it. I got to my bed and only had about 1/4 of the bottle left I got into my bed chugged the rest of the bottle and threw it at the wall and it shattered. I couldn't think right all I was thinking about was Travis, the flash, the buzzing noise, the car. I started hearing Travis' voice taunting me
"Your worthless no one cares about you except me"
"Your only mine if you try anything you get punished"
"You really think anyone cares if you live or die"
This one was new
"I bet Aiden would be so disappointed to call you his mother"
I was shaking, crying, screaming I got up pulling my hair
"Get out of my head!"
"Get the fück out of my head"
"Get the fück out of my head you sick bastard"
but the words didn't stop.
"I bet you wish to die huh I'd kill you but I'd have no one to play with now wouldn't I"
"It's your fault your moms dead!"
"Get out, Get out, Get out!" My head was spinning my arm had blood dripping down it and I was stepping in the shattered glass.
"If you die it will be in the hands of me got it"
I screamed the tears didn't stop I started seeing spots I was spinning everything was fuzzy and I felt the ground and glass stab into my skin as I fell into it and passed out.

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