The Broken Badass part-18

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Avery's P.O.V
I woke up in a white room that I couldn't recognize. I turned my head and saw Jack I looked around the room and saw the entire gang. I looked at my arms and saw them all cut up. I tried to remember what happened but it was all fuzzy. I poked Jacks face trying to get him up.
"Jack," I whispered.
He started to turn and open his eyes he saw me awake and jumped and being on the small bed he fell off. I started laughing my ass off waking everyone else up. Taylor and Alex started hugging me put I felt a sharp pain well everywhere, but mostly my shoulder, and I yelped.
        "That didn't come from me," I immediately said hating that a super girly yelp just came from me. "Can someone pretty pretty please tell me what happened?" I asked.
"Ummm well from the looks of it you got shot, didn't care about it, got drunk, had a panic attack, fell in broken glass, and almost bled to death," Ret told me and it hit me like a truck.
I nodded, "Ok well I think for one you're being a little overdramatic, but ok and also when can we leave ?" I said with Ret glaring at me.
"When the doctor checks you and says we can," Jack told me, and I rolled my eyes.
A few minutes later the doctor came in checked me over and told me to lay off the alcohol and we were clear to leave. I got up and found my old clothes that smelt of alcohol and had a bunch off blood stains but I was not going outside in a piece of cloth that had my ass hanging out.
I got dressed and we left.
"I'm hungry," I said.
"Of course you are," Zac said sarcastically.
"I need food," I whined.
"Well get you some now shush," He said.
We stopped at in an In-n-Out and got our food and I was content. We arrived home and I went to take a shower I was about to walk up the stairs when I was picked up.
"Hmm, I wonder who it could be," sarcasm lining my voice.
"What you have short legs," Jack told me with a smirk on his face.
I gasped, "I do not, I actually have long legs your just a giant." It's true he's like 6' 2".
We got to my room and he dropped me on my bed. I blinked and he was on top of me.
"How'd you do that?" I asked.
"Magic," He told me.
He leaned down and kissed me.
"I love you," He told me.
"I love you too," I told him
I gave him one more kiss and tried to get up but he wouldn't let me.
"Come on I need to take a shower," I told him.
"Hmm that sounds nice maybe I'll join you," He said in a playful tone.
"Hmmm, I don't know about that," I said biting my lips I pushed him off of me and walked to the bathroom.
I turned on the water to a like warm and took off my clothes. While it was heating I looked at my self and didn't like what I saw I had bruises, bags under my eyes, cuts, and stitches. The door opened and arms wrapped around me.
"You're beautiful I want you to know that," he whispered in my ear.
I turned around and hugged him.
"What did I do to deserve you," I told him.
"I think it's the other way around princess I haven't been the best, but I love you and we'll take things your speed and how you want to," He told me and kissed the top of my head and nodded. "Here," he took out some bandage wrap and wrapped my shoulder, "you shouldn't get it wet for a couple of days."
I nodded and he stepped out I stepped into the shower. And let the water take me I let it take my thoughts and my tears till they were mixed into one. I thought about Jack and how much I love him and if it was a bad thing. What if Travis gets me, what if he takes me uses me, would Jack understand or take me like a slut. What if he kills me and I live with the questions what if. I just stared at the wall numb I finally washed my hair and body and got out. I wrapped a towel around me and stepped into the closet and put on some underwear, shorts, and I hoodie. I stepped out while putting my wet hair into a bun and crawled into bed with Jack. He put his arms around me kissed my beach and I fell asleep in his arms. I dreamed about what life could be if Travis never saw me I could perhaps marry Jack that would be amazing. We could get a separate house from the gangs. Or maybe we could stay in this house and renovate it and all stay there. And when we have kids there could be a playroom with little versions of us. And the gang could be passed down to them we could teach them to defend themselves and when we get too old they would have it. But do I really want them to have this life? It would be their choice of course. And we would never put it before family. And at last, I thought of just my family being happy and together making sure that they have everything I didn't. A home, parents for life everything it could be perfect. But it could all be ruined. Just by one man. Travis.

Hello my dear readers it has definitely been a while but I'm back and I plan on going back to the old schedule of a chapter per week and hope nothing like this happens again.
Your author,

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