The Broken Badass part-7 #2

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     ^^the meeting room^^
Taylor and Austin were on the left side of the table. Alex and Tyler were on the right side of the table. Ret was next to Austin and Jacob was next to Tyler. Zac and Ryan were direct across from me. And Jack was next to me.
"Ok so I'm not going to sugar coat it, you all know why your here and we're not leaving this room without and agreement. Ok?" I asked. Everyone nodded their heads as I looked around. "Ok so Soletz gang you have 3 options
#1 You pay us all of the money you cost us plus give us everything back.
#2 We team up we'll be the biggest and strongest gang in the world no one will be able to go against us.
Or #3 I kill you" I told them with the coldest and serious voice I could manage to make all of the Soletz gang and my own gang wince at the tone.
"So what will it be?" I asked  
"We will be allies," Jack said while the rest of his gang nodded.
"Excellent well in that case since it's only you 5 would you guys like to move into our gang to make things easier?" I asked them and they all nodded
"Great well we can leave now and you guys can pack and we'll see you tonight around 7:00 PM and we have a mission for me and 2 others on Wednesday I'll pick out who later. You are all excused" I told them and got up with everyone else. We walked outside and we all got in our cars as I was about to start I felt a tap on my window I looked over and saw Jack.
"So I'll see you tonight," he told me
"You know it babe" I winked at him and started driving off.
"See you later Kitten" he yelled. I drove off.
I'm going to be living with Jack Soletz I thought to myself. Let's see how this turns out.

This is the end of part 7 I knew it was a little boring but I hope you liked it again sorry about the publishing thing.
Muaw love your favorite bitch😘

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