The Broken Badass part-17

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I woke up in a pool of my own blood and instantly felt weak I got up but fell back into the glass I started crawling out the door and saw Ret walking down the hall.
"H-help" I whimpered. He took one look at me and ran over.
"Holy shit" he cussed, he tried picking me up but I just screamed in pain, "Ave this is gonna hurt but I have to do this remember your strong."
I looked at him and nodded. He picked me up and yelled at everyone.
"Guys we need to get to the hospital right now!" His voice boomed throughout the hallway he started running down the hall and to his truck as my eyelids started getting heavy from blood loss.
"Do NOT go to sleep Avery I swear to god stay with me. Guys hurry the fück up!" He yelled.
I saw the guys get to the truck and I was out.
Rets P.O.V
Everyone got in the truck since it has three rows of seats and Avery sat on some of the guys' laps when Ryan asked,
"What happened?!"
"All I know is that I was walking to the bathroom when I saw her crawling down the hall. Taylor, Alex you know anything?" I asked.
"All I know is that she got shot in the shoulder on our assignment and during the car ride she started getting really weird," Taylor answered.
"What time did you guys get back?" I asked.
"About 3 hours ago," Alex said shyly.
"So she has been bleeding out for 3 hours and there is glass in her did you not hear anything at all!" I. hollered. That was one of the first things I noticed when I saw her glass was stabbed inside her.
"I heard some noises but I didn't think it was anything," Alex answered.
Then I remembered Jack and how he went out to get some things to surprise Avery, "Has anyone told Jack about this?"
"Yah I texted him to meet us at the hospital so he should be there when we get there," Jacob told us.
We got to the hospital quickly and saw Jack waiting he ran over to us and opened the car door.
"Fück, what happened?" He said picking her up gently as the blood was still dripping.
"We'll explain later but right now she needs a doctor they ran inside the ER and screamed there were people in there looking like hell but I knew we'd get in fast because we have doctors in here.
"Get us, Dr. Justin Hunt, NOW!" I yelled at the front desk lady.
She took one look at Avery and nodded immediately. We held her while he came out with gurney we placed her on it and he told us to wait out here.
"What happened," Jack told us coldly.
"She got shot on her assignment and it looks like she fell in glass and had been bleeding out for like 3 hours slowly we don't really know for sure," I told him carefully knowing he could snap at any moment, but he nodded and sat down. I leaned against the wall and just waited knowing we would be here for hours.
"Guys I'm gonna get us all some food any special requests or can I just get a bunch of stuff?" Tyler asked shyly which we all nodded no.
"I'll come with you," Alex added. They left and it was silent again we all love Avery even the new guys she brings us together no matter what and no matter what she's going through and if we lost her everything would fall apart if Travis gets her I don't know if we'll get her back. About 20 minutes later Tyler came back with some In-n-out and soda which we all ate in silence then we just waited once again. About three hours past, but the doctor finally came back and we all stood up.
"She has lost a lot of blood but we got her stitched up and she is asleep for now you guys can take her home tomorrow if she's up. How did this happen?" Doctor Hunt asked.
"She got shot and from the looks at it fell in glass," I told him and saw Jack physically tense.
"Ok, I would also keep her away from alcohol as best as you can we took a blood test, and she had about a 0.30% BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) and so we have assumed that the alcohol and also a panic attack made her lose consciousness," he told us and we all nodded, "Anyways you can all see her now, but be quiet it's room 12B," he told us sternly.
He moved out of the way and we all went to her room. We went inside and saw stitches on her shoulder and some on her arms but they were mostly just bandaged up. Jack walked over to her, laid down next to her, and held her hand before he brought it to his lips, and closed his eyes. We all just stayed quiet and sat down on the chairs I looked over at Tyler and saw him sleeping with Alex on his lap the same thing went with Austin and Taylor. But what surprised me was on the floor Ryan and Zac were sleeping against a wall with their head leaning together. I looked at Jacob who was the only other person awake.
"Everyone's got someone but us huh," He asked and I looked at Avery I loved her but I knew she loved Jack and I want her to be happy.
I  chuckled and sighed,
"I guess so." I closed my eyes and dozed off into a dreamless sleep.
Here we go what do you think?

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