The Broken Badass-part 22

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Avery's P.O.V

I woke up tied to a chair and a syringe in my arm. I turned my head just to find a pair of eyes staring at me.
"What did you do," I snapped at him.
"Just something to help you refresh your memory for a little bit and to remind you who you belong to, and if you don't cooperate not only will YOU be dead, but everyone you care about including your little "boyfriend," " Travis told me with a wicked grin on his sick, twisted face.  Travis please," I begged, "Please don't do this."
"Too late." And I blacked out.                                      

The next day

I woke up getting freezing cold water poured on me. I shot up in a room I couldn't remember. my entire memory was hazy. I turned to see a man staring at me with a smirk.  

"Who are you?" I asked.         

  "Your boss," he smiled kneeling on the floor to be my height, taking a knife and sliding it across my skin,  "So pretty you are, such a shame your about to be all bruised up again."                                    "What are you talking about? Where am I!" I yelled but that was obviously a mistake.                    "You do NOT take that tone with me do you understand!" He snapped.  

    I flinched and looked down which he didn't like. He pulled my hair making me look at him and slapped me.    

   "I," he whispered into my ear and I nodded, "Good, get dressed I'll be back in 10 minutes," he said letting my hair go. 

"What's your name," I whispered.
"Travis," he said throwing some clothes at me and walking out.          I put on the tight black tank top that barely covered my chest, and some tight ass leggings, and tried to finger comb my hair, and then I waited. I tried remembering anything to help me but all I could think of was someone screaming, and a face.
Travis opened the door.
"Ready," he grinned and I nodded following him out of the room.
He took me down to some kind of indoor gym and brought me to a punching bag.
"Hit it." He instructed and so I did I hit it repeatedly until one last hit and it fell off the chain. He picked it back up and put it back on.
"Good let's set you up with someone, Josh!" He yelled and a very tall, very muscular man walked towards us.
"Yes, boss?" He asked staring me down.
"Fight her," he told him.
"Her? She'd brake with on hit, look how tiny she is," He snickered.
"Don't base a book by its cover," I told him.
"She speaks," Travis said sarcastically, "Now get in the ring, both of you!"
I hopped in and he followed.
We circled each other until he threw a hit, but I ducked and went behind him. He turned around and I automatically hit him. He fell backward and I straddled him repeatedly punching him until he tapped the floor and I got off of him.
I hopped out of the ring and walked to Travis.
"How did I do?" I asked him.
"You did perfect," he whispered and put his hand on my back.
I nodded and started walking back to the punching bag. But he grabbed my wrist.
"You're done for today," he said and pulled me back towards a room I haven't been in.
"Go take a shower," He told me I nodded and walked to a room I presumed was the bathroom. I turned on the water and took off my clothes. I looked at the mirror and took a look at my body I noticed so many scars and marks that I didn't realize were there. I had scars up and down my body and even a few stitches. I was zoning out until I felt a pair of arms around me. I turned around and a pair of lips smashed on to mine. I punched his chest but he grabbed my wrists and wouldn't let me go.
"Get off!" I screamed.
But he just pushed me onto the floor.
"You better hurry up with that shower, we have a lot more of that to do," he smirked and walked out.
I quickly got into that shower and tried to get the feel of him off of me. I finished and got out I didn't have any clothes so I just put on my old ones. I walked out trying to cover myself with my arms. Travis walked up to me and grabbed my waist. He pushed me onto the bed and started kissing me. He put his hand up my shirt and I tried to push him off, but he was too heavy.
"Kiss back," he snapped at me, but I didn't.
He grabbed my skin too hard and I yelped.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, now kiss back." He told me a dark look covered his eyes, and so I did.
He smirked into this kiss and started taking my shirt off and I felt tears start rolling down my face. And I started remembering my entire memory went back into my head and it only made everything worse. I don't know how I'll ever be able to look at Jack again or anyone. I'm disgusting I'm disgusted in myself. Everything flashed into my head like they say when you die your life flashes it's what's happening my entire life coming back to me. I wanted to pass out I didn't want to feel his touch anymore. But I didn't I was wide awake and felt every touch, every kiss, and felt every single scar burn as he touched them. It was like it started all over again I was his doll, his puppet and I would never get rid of him. He finished and pulled me into the bed wrapping his arms around me as I was silent with tears rolling down my face, but he didn't care he had no feelings he was a monster.

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