The Broken Badass part-3

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^^Avery's outfit^^
I got dressed and did my makeup with just eyeliner, mascara, and matte black lipstick. I grabbed two butterfly knives and a small handgun and put them into my leather backpack and went downstairs.
"Alex, Rex, Taylor, Zac, we need to go!" I yelled while munching on an apple. They came down, all of us, wearing black leather jackets."Okay. Let's go. We're taking motorcycles to school," I told everyone which was followed by some nods and "okays." We all went outside, jumped on our bikes, and we were off.

^^Avery's motorcycle^^

 We got to school at about 7:55, so most people were still outside

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We got to school at about 7:55, so most people were still outside. We all revved our engines, making everyone look at us. I smirked. We parked our bikes and got off, letting the whispers begin.
"Who is that?"
"Eww, what a couple of sluts!"
"Wonder if they're single."
"I'd tap that."
I ignored the comments and lustful looks from guys and glares from girls. It was vise-versa for the boys. We walked through the doors, not giving anyone one a second glance. When I went through the doors, I saw Sara. I looked at her and smirked.
"I'm back, bitch!" I said in a sing-song voice.
She gulped"Av-Avery?" She asked with wide eyes.
"The one and only," I replied taking my shades off. "I told you I'd be back and I always keep my promises."
When I said that I felt someone grab my shoulder; my instincts went off, so I grabbed the arm, twisted it, and flipped the person over my shoulder.
"Avery?" The person coughed.
I tilted my head in confusion until I realized who it was. "Jax?"
"Yep," he replied, getting to his feet
"Oh, hi, how you doin'," I asked, hearing some voices in my head telling me to act all innocent
"Hi ...I haven't seen you in two fücking years and all you say is 'hi!'" he barked at me, but I just stood there, emotionless
"And you didn't really seem to need me when I was here, now did you," I replied in a cold, emotionless voice.
"What happened to you?" He asked.
I laughed a crazy laugh, making him pale and gulp.
"Life," I replied simply, still in the same voice, and I walked away, bumping into his shoulder and didn't look back.
We walked into the office to see some slutty lady on the phone wearing a tight button-up shirt with the top four buttons off, making her boobs pop out. She also wore a short pencil shirt and some red stilettos.
"Hello?" I asked politely.
She looked and me with disgust and went back into her conversation. This made my blood boil, and I snapped, "Listen here, you little slut, I tried being nice. Put down your stupid phone and make your ugly face helpful" At the same time, I was punching my hand into the desk, making it crack. Her face lost its color, and she asked, "N-names?"
I smiled and answered, "I'm Avery Killson, and these are Rex Lofftes, Alex Tillson, Taylor Gonzalez, and Zac Moro," I told her.
Her face somehow drained even more color. I smiled more "You're A-Avery Kills-son?" She gulped. She's obviously heard of me... good.
"Yes, I am. Now can I have our schedules?" I replied.
"Yes, of course," she said managing not to stutter "Here." She gave them to me and we walked out we had all the same classes: 1st period: AP Math, 2nd period: English, 3rd period: Free, 4th period: AP Science, 5th period: Art, Lunch, 6th period: Gym. Not bad. I thought it'd be worse.
"Let's roll," I told everyone; we barged into class like a boss.
"And you are...?" the teacher asked.
"Your students, obviously," I replied smartly.
The teacher glared and then rephrased her sentence. "Your names?"
"I'm Avery Killson. This is Rex Loftess, Alex Tillson, Taylor Gonzalez, and Zac Moro," I replied, pointing to everyone. I heard people gasp, and people's eyes widened when I said my name, obviously remembering my form two years ago.
"Okay.. would you like to say anything to the class?" she asked.
"Just one thing: stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours," I told everyone and took a seat in the back near the window. I then heard more gasps as the door was kicked open, and someone came over to me.
"You're in my seat," he growled.
"Really? I didn't know this was kindergarten with assigned seats," I replied blankly, hearing chuckles from my friends. I looked up at him and it was Jack Soletz, leader of the Soletz Gang.
"What's your name?" He asked; I gave him a creepy grin.
"Avery Killson," I told him. He froze along with his group there were a total of five of them like us: Jack, the leader, Austin Lim, second in command, Jacop Rogers, third in command, Ryan Goldin, their best shooter, and Tyler Banks, their best tech guy.
They all turned to walk away when I whispered loud enough for them to hear, "I'm coming for you" they all froze but continued to find a different seat I turned back to the teacher and she started the lesson.

^^ time skip^^
It was time for art and the teacher told us to paint anything that comes to mind.

^^ her painting^^ I'm guessing you're wondering why I drew something so sad

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^^ her painting^^
I'm guessing you're wondering why I drew something so sad. It's because I have many issues, and Bipolar II is one of them, making me very depressed. I have scars old and new on my arms, chest, stomach, and legs to prove it. I've had a tough past harder than one anyone should, but that's a story for another day.
The bell rang and the guys and I headed for the cafeteria. The first thing that caught my eye was Jack's group laughing. We made our way to an empty table while Rex got everyone fries and a milkshake. He came back, and I felt a cool liquid fall on my face, back, and hair. Everything was silent, looking at me for what I would do next.
"That what you get for my nose and jaw, you little bitch," I heard someone squeak. That, someone, was Sara.
"And from that you would think you wouldn't mess with me," I told her, grabbing her hair and picking her face then slamming her against the wall, choking her. "I told you to stay out of my way. That's all you had to do, but you didn't listen. Now you have war," I told her, venom dripping off my every word. I let her go and she started coughing on the ground. "You better watch out," I whispered lowly into her ear before giving her one last right hook to her jaw, knocking her out cold.
I turned around and saw everyone looking at me. "What do you want? Get back to your pathetic little lives!" I barked, and everyone went back to what they were doing.
I then walked out the door, heading to the gym.

^^her gym clothes^^I got changed into my clothes and started running laps

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^^her gym clothes^^
I got changed into my clothes and started running laps. After ten laps I started push-ups, then sit-ups, crunches, squats, jumping jacks, and planks. Once I was done, I started punching the punching bag.
Right, left, duck, right, kick!
I continued that until it was time to leave. I got home, took a shower, and went to bed.

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