The Broken Badass part-13

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I woke up in a dark room. There were chains and blood everywhere and I squinted my eyes to see more.
"Finally up I see," a voice whispered into my ear and I jumped.
"Who. Are. You."I asked well more like told.
The man chuckled a horrifying laugh, "my dear I thought u would of remembered me I mean it's only been around three, four years." He said as he came into the light as I realized who it was and how stupid I was for not realizing it sooner. He was one of Travis' workers.
"What do you want from me, David?" I asked calmly knowing I can't show fear.
"Well you've grown up I see, and I'm just here as a messenger and it's that Travis is coming for you so be ready," he said and punched me in the temple and I blacked out.
I woke up from my bed with a terrible headache as I remembered the night's events but I had no idea how I ended up here. When Travis came to mind I screamed my heart out, I screamed, I cried, I cursed. I knew I was strong, but when it came to Travis I knew everything I worked for would disappear instantly. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I got up and walked to my bathroom and turned on the water, stripped my clothes and got in.
"Why did this have to happen to me..." I cried and slid down the bathroom wall. I cried and cried until I turned off the water and got out. Just the thought of Travis' filthy hands on me I put on my most covering pjs with sweats, and a sweater. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen with silent tears still rolling down my face. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of jack daniels with some coke and poured it all in a glass.
"Drinking at midnight are you." A familiar voice said.
I turned around to see Zac standing there. I tried to cover my tears but they kept on coming.
"Hey what happened?" He asked gently.
"T-tra-Travis he's coming for me, he's going to kill me!" I screamed realization hitting me that Travis was not going to let me get away alive this time. I fell to the floor crying.
"Fuçk!" Zac yelled punching the wall. He calmed down and sat on the floor and hugged me.
"Guys get down here!" he yelled.
"Please don't," I pleaded.
"They need to be part of this too." He told me back.
I continued crying rocking back and forth. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
"What happened!" I heard Jack say.
Why him I thought to myself.
"Travis," Zac said quietly and everything went silent, "he's coming for Avery."
I started sobbing.
"Right when I was finally happy again everything gets fucked up! Every single thing! Why can't anything just go right for me! Just once!" I screamed as I felt a pair of arms lift me on to their lap. I breathed and recognition clicked of the smell of pines came it was Jack. He tried to soothe me my stoking his fingers through my hair.
"He'll have to kill me before he gets you, Kitten," he whispers into my hair.
"Please don't leave me" I whispered waiting for a response.
"Never, never again Kitten," he whispered to me.
"Thank you," I told him.
He picked me up and walked up the stairs to my room he opened the door and laid me on the bed and got up to walk away. I was going to let him go, but I really didn't want to be alone right now. So I did the one thing I could do. I grabbed his hand.
"Please don't leave" I said and he looked at me for a second and nodded.
"I'm gonna go change ok?" He asked and I nodded.
He left the room and I collapsed on the bed as I looked at the ceiling as single tear fell down my cheek which I quickly wiped away. The door opened and Jack came in a pair of grey sweats... just the sweats.
He came inside the sheets and wrapped his arms around me I turned around and faced him... well faced his chest. I had to ask something.
"Why did you leave?" I asked quietly. It felt like an eternity before he finally answered,
"Honestly I don't know it was stupid and immature, I just didn't know how to take it all in and I was just so angry at everyone who hurt you and I was mad at myself every day I was gone." He told me and I could tell it was the truth.
"Ok," I told him.
"Kitten will you please take me back," he pleaded.
I thought about it but knew I could never say no to him, "Yes."
"Thank you , thank you, thank you!" He said happily and he grabbed my face and kissed the life out of me I was happy so happy. I forgot about everything and just focused on this moment. We both backed away so we could breathe and I laid onto his chest and I said something I didn't think I would ever say,
"I-I love you, Jack," I said so quietly I have no idea if he heard or not and started to drift to sleep.
"I love you to Avery I love you so so much and I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," he told me and kissed my head. I nodded and snuggled into his chest and drifted off to sleep.

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