The Broken Badass part- 25

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Those three words destroyed me. I ran towards the door not caring about the doctors and the nurses yelling at me. I had to see her, I was at her door when I was pulled back.
"You can't go in there," a nurse told me, "I'm sorry, the most I can do for you is let you watch through the window."
I nodded and she ran in.
"Clear!" The doctor yelled.
I watched as her lifeless body shook as electricity went through her, but she was still gone.
"Come on. Clear!" I heard another yell still nothing. I prayed to any god that could be up in the sky to just let this girl live.
"Clear!" There was nothing, seconds passed that felt like hours until I heard a beep followed by another. Until it was a beautiful pattern of her heart staying alive and fighting.
A went into the room not caring that I was being yelled at.
"What exactly happened?" I asked him the doctor.
"She was losing too much blood too fast, but we got a blood donor so she should be fine," he told me.
"Can I please have a moment with her, privately?" I asked.
The nurses looked at me skeptically, but eventually nodded along with the doctor, "You have ten minutes."
"Thank you." I appreciated them but they just left the room.
I looked at her she looked completely broken. Bruises and cuts were everywhere I grabbed her hand and it felt too tiny and fragile in mine. I looked at her arm to see scars, cuts, and the smallest holes that I don't even want to think of. I rubbed my face realizing how difficult it's going to be for her when she wakes up, and the realization hit me when I realized that Ret was gone. He was dead and left with the bodies of monsters and bad people, but he should be with us.
I sighed and kissed her forehead.
"I love you," I whispered squeezing her hand one last time before walking out.
"Well is she okay?" Taylor asked.
"Yeah she's fine just lost too much blood, but there was a donor," I told her.
"Okay good. I'll be back," she told us I saw her grab a box of cigarettes
and went outside.
"She should stop smoking, you too," I told Austin.
"I know," he told me.
"Anyways I know you don't want to leave...," Ryan started.
"I'm not leaving her," I told him sternly.
"Come on it's not good for you we all need to eat, shower, and get some rest and then we'll be right back okay," he told me.
I looked down for a couple of seconds, but nodded none the less.
"Ok let's go," I told them.
We all went outside into the truck after grabbing Taylor and drove home. We all ate some food, took a shower, and went to our rooms to take a nap.
I woke up and checked the time on my phone. I shot up,
"Shit!" I yelled it was the next day I had 10 missed calls from the hospital. We were only supposed to sleep for an hour or so.
"Guys we need to go. Now!" I roared.
I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and once I saw everyone we ran to the truck.
We got to the hospital in 20 minutes and ran to the front desk.
"Avery Killson," I told the lady at the front desk.
Avery's P.O.V.
I was up. All I could see were white walls and faces of people I didn't recognize, didn't trust. The door burst open and I saw the faces of people I knew and trusted, but I didn't smile, didn't feel happiness nor did I feel the sadness I just felt numb to my core.
Jack ran over and put his arms around me, but I just stayed frozen in my spot.
He looked at me and frowned.
"You remember me right?" His voice cracking in the middle of his sentence, and I nodded.
"When can she be let out?" Alex asked.
"We need to run a few tests, but tonight she should be able to leave," the nurse smiled warmly at me.
I started scratching my skin not caring about the pain it caused me.
"When can we start?" I asked them.
"Right now if your up to it, of course," the nude told me and I nodded.
I was put in a wheelchair and put into a room with a silver chair and police. I looked at them confused.
"Hello, we want to help figure out what happened to you and try and help you," a female police officer told me and I nodded.
"How about we start with how did you get shot," She asked me.
I knew I couldn't tell her what really happened so I just made something up.
"A couple of weeks ago I was drugged and brought into an alley I was knocked out, beaten, and raped. I had a miscarriage a couple of days ago," that part was true and I felt tears swell up in my eyes. I haven't talked about this with anyone I just tried to forget and saying it out loud made it all too real.
"My friends back in my room found me shot and took me straight to the hospital," I told them.
"We're going to need to scan you to make sure... everything is okay." The nurse told me and I nodded to her.
"How did you get out?" The other officer asked.
"There was a break-in I'm guessing he might have messed with the wrong people after I got shot I kind of just crawled holding my stomach and got out. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone was dead if the place was checked," I told them I knew it was a crappy lie but I didn't have anything planned.
"Ok thank you miss," they told me and left.
"Let's go get you scanned," the nurse told me and I nodded once again.

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