The Broken Badass part- 23

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Jack's P.O.V

It's been weeks and still nothing. We went to the address, and it was horrific. The house was trashed with blood and alcohol with the paint falling off. The one good thing was that we found an old burner phone, but it had nothing, nothing at all. The phone was useless, and we couldn't figure out shit. I was laying on Avery's bed just thinking, thinking about what she was going through, and blaming myself for what happened to her. If I just protected her! I promised her that I wouldn't let Travis get and look at what happened.
"Knock Knock"
"Go away!" I snapped at whoever was at the door.
The person didn't listen, and Tyler came inside.
"What do you want?" I groaned at him.
"I think I might have found something," he explained.
I bolted up. "What do you mean you found something?"
"Well I was searching through the phone again, and it died," he explained, "and on it, it said "would you like to renew it" and "ship to this address"; it died right after, but I was able to get a picture of it on my phone."
"Are you serious!" I exclaimed, and he nodded, "Well then what are we waiting for!" I started getting ready to leave, but he grabbed my shoulder.
"Dude we can't just yet," he told me, and I just stared at him, "This could be his gang's headquarters; there could be hundreds of people. We need to have a plan, get more people, and overall prepared for what's coming," he told me.
"Okay, then let's get prepared. Round everyone up. I need to make a few calls," I told him, and he nodded leaving the room.
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, called a bunch of old friends, told them to come over along with anyone that would fight. Then I called The Gold Dragons headquarters, telling them to get all their fighters rounded up, and to meet us at the house.
I walked downstairs to see everyone in the living room waiting for me.
"Well, what's the plan?" Taylor asked.
"I just called a bunch of people to help us Tyler; what's the address?" I asked, realizing he never told me.
"It is 12000 Hawthorne Blvd.," he told us.
"That old abandoned mall?" Alex asked.
"Yeah, perfect spot, though no one would ever think about it. I mean it's been closed for years," he told us.
"Right. Once everyone else comes, we're going to drive over there; they're gonna wait as the nine of us go in and try and find her—."
"How are we not gonna get caught?" Zac asked.
"Because we're going to go up the side of the wall, up to the roof, and we'll jump down the vents. After that we'll craw around to find Avery, then after we find her we'll call everyone else to come in, and we fight. We fight with all our might because we know she would do the same for us. Sound like a plan?" I asked in a dark tone, earning nods from each of them. "Good."
There was a knock on the door, and I went out to see dozens of people all looking ready to fight.
"I'm gonna tell these guys the plan; you guys get ready: gloves, hair up, no evidence that can have our D.N.A., and most importantly weapons especially guns, knives, too, but guns are the most important," I instructed them and they all went upstairs. I turned to the others, "So here's the plan."
I told them the plan, and they all agreed. This was it. We were going to get Avery back, dead or alive.
When everyone was fully ready, we got in our cars and trucks, ready to drive. Ret and I were in the front, and everyone else would follow us. We got the directions and sped off. It was a two-hour ride, and we all drove in complete silence, which I deeply needed. I needed to think. I needed to think about the plan step by step, make sure that everything was perfect.
It was an hour into the ride when I felt Ret tap my shoulder.
"Are you okay?" Ret asked quietly.
"Yeah of course," I told him, but I was scared out of my mind. I saw Ret stare at me but slowly nod.
Then the bad thoughts came. What if he kills one of us? What if he kills Avery? What if she's already dead? That last thought killed me, but I refused to believe it. She is going to be okay; she is alive; she'll be with us soon. I nodded to myself, taking a deep breath.
After another hour of silence, we turned onto the road, and we were there. We parked and got out along with the others. We all put our earpieces in and turned them on.
"Okay, the nine of us are going up. Wait here until we give you the signal," I instructed, and everyone nodded.
We started walking towards the building and saw a long pipe going up to the roof.
"Okay, only one of us will climb up and bring the rope; then we'll all climb up," I told them.
"I'll do it," Alex volunteered.
"I don't like the sound of that," Tyler said protectively, holding her close.
"I've done it before; I'll be fine," she reassured him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He nodded, and I gave her the rope. She wrapped it around herself and started climbing up the pipe. After a little bit of waiting the rope was thrown down.
"Okay, Taylor you go up, then Austin, then Tyler, Zac, Jacop, Ryan, Ret, and then me," I told them, and they started going up.
We got up to the roof and saw a vent. We pried it open, and I dropped down and started crawling, hearing the others fall down. Going towards the noise, I looked down to see a flash of blonde hair I immediately recognized it.
"Avery," I whispered.

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