The Broken Badass part- 26

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I finished my scans for the rape and miscarriage and learned that nothing was wrong besides for some mild bruising. Then I had my body checked over for other injuries. While this was happening I just kept scratching my arm until it started to bleed. The nurse off and grabbed my arm.
"Do you know what he gave you?" She asked.
"Heroin probably, something that makes you weak," I told her not
caring anymore and she nodded.
She finished wrapping my arm to stop me from scratching, "You are probably going to suffer some severe withdrawing with how long you were on it. I also couldn't help but notice some cuts... fresh and scarred." She told me, raising her eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes, " Nice observation skills," I mumbled.
She sighed, "You should be fine we just need to take some stitches out besides for your shot wound then you'll just need to rest."
I hummed in response. She put me back on the wheelchair and push me to my room.
"We're going to take your stitches out, is it okay if they're here?" She asked me pointing to the gang.
"Yeah, it's fine," I mumbled once again.
She took one of the wraps off my arm and started taking the stitches out of my arm. I looked up to see Jack staring at me hurt. I broke my promise. I stopped trying, I look down not being able to face him.
She finished and wrapped it back up. She went to the other arm and did the same thing. She finished and asked me again.
"We have to take the ones out on your upper stomach besides the shot since those are self-dissolving. Now I think that you should have your friends leave for that." She told me.
" Okay..." I whispered they started leaving, "Wait! Jack, can you please stay with me?" I asked him just loud enough for him to hear.
He turned around and nodded. He walked over to me and held my hand. The nurse started to raise my hospital gown. The only thing covering me was the underwear they gave me and my bra. Jack started playing with my hair. I gave him a small smile knowing he was trying to take my mind off everything.
"I love you," he told me quietly.
I looked at him, "I love you too."
"Finished," the nurse announced, shall I tell your friends to come back in?"
"Not yet please," I told her and she nodded smiling kindly at me.
I sat up and Jack sat on the bed.
"Why didn't you want them to come in?"  He asked.
"I wanted to talk to you first," I told him and he nodded, "I wanted to tell you about what happened."
His eyes widened and he grabbed my hand, "You don't have to do that if you're not comfortable yet," he told me.
"Thanks, but you deserve to know," I told him.
"Okay," he replied.
"So I guess I'll start with how I got there it started with Ret confessed his feelings to me and kissed me, I was just so upset, and hurt that he could've done that to me knowing my feelings for you. So I did what I have always done, I ran, but I'm sure you know that bit," he nodded, "So I jumped on my bike, and I don't think even fifteen minutes later a black van came around and hit me. I was completely out. I woke up in a dark room, Travis took my clothes away. I got food twice a week and water three times a week. He and my dad got quite a few good beatings in and Travis got to do whatever the hell he wanted with me. Then after about a week and a half or so he tied me to a chair and injected me with some foreign drug that made me forget everything, every single fücking memory. When I regained consciousness he just made me train and fight, and by the end of the day he raped me and all my memories came back. He found out and everything got worse my days became a routine. Get up, get dressed, train, get beat by my dad and him, then get used once again. But one time he slipped up and got me pregnant once again. He eventually found out and he was not happy. He beat me senseless mostly kicks in the stomach, which led to me having a miscarriage." I had tears rolling down my face, " my second kid murdered by their so-called "father" once again, and the worst part is that I couldn't do anything I was defenseless. But here she would've probably died either way. I mean I was taking heroin, and getting beaten every day." I wiped my eyes, "So after that, the same thing happened daily, but then you came, Ret was killed along with Travis and my dad, but you already know that and what happened after." I finished telling him and looked up at him. He looked emotionless just like last time I told him what happened to me. I started scratching my arms.
He's gonna leave me, I thought.
He's gonna leave me like last time.
I'm going to be alone again.
I'm not gonna make it this time.
I barely did last time.
I couldn't breathe I held my knees to my chest and started sobbing.
"P-Please don't leave me n-not again," I stuttered through strangled sobs.
"I'm not gonna leave you, never again, and I'm never going to let you out of my sight, I can tell you that," he told me with the slight chuckle.
He wrapped his arms around me as I started to calm down.
"Do you want to tell the others?" He asked me.
"Can you do it please, or at least a summary?" I asked him.
He smiled at me and nodded. He walked outside and I laid down on my side. I could hear mumbling through the door as I tried to sleep. A couple of minutes later the door opened up. I felt the bed dip in arms wrapped around my waist, I tensed up.
"It's just me, love," I heard a familiar voice say.
I turned around and buried my face into his chest which just made him wrap his arms around me tighter.
"I love you," I whispered.
"I love you more," Jack told me.
"Not possible," and I fell asleep.
Oof my depressed self actually got this done. So I hope you liked it? I don't know how to describe this chapter, but what are you gonna do cause I don't know?

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