The Broken Badass part-11

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     I woke up and expected to see Jack right next to me, but was disappointed when he wasn't. I got up and smelled the faint smell of pancakes and bacon. I ran down the stairs only to see Jack making pancakes, dancing, and singing along to some song. I went up behind him and said
"You do this every morning or is this something special."
He screamed and it was hilarious. I burst out laughing at a very embarrassed Jack.
"Stop laughing at me!" He yelled.
"Ok...ok I'm better," I told him
"Good," He said and pooped some pancakes on a plate on the table. I sat down and ate some he sat down opposite to me and started eating and held my hand across the table and kissed it.
"Do you think you could explain to me today?" he asked
"What about?" I asked playing dumb.
"Everything your past, why you hurt yourself, why you get nightmares and get panic attacks, and flashbacks, how you became a gang leader," he told me.
I thought about it and nodded my head
"Let's go into the living room," I told him and he nodded.
"Ok, so where should I begin?" I said sitting down crisscrossed.
"Anywhere," He said sitting down facing me.
"Ok... so when I was little I had the perfect family my parents loved each other so much they were sweethearts we did everything together, but one day when I was 8 years old that all stopped," my eyes started watering, "I was walking with my mom and down the street a car started speeding towards us and of course my mom pushed me out of the way. She got hit and died almost immediately. I was crushed my dad was out of it he was in love with her that's when he started drinking and taking drugs and most importantly abusing me" I saw Jacks fist and jaw clench as I continued, "it started off small like calling me a bitch or a whore an occasional slap here and there but after about 2 months it went to kicking, punching, cutting, whipping, hair pulling, and starving he would do it constantly if I did a single thing wrong even if I breathed wrong. He blamed me for my mother's death he would never let me forget it. He would drag me to the basement by my hair chain me up and beat me and yell at me then leave me in there for days without food or water. Half the scars on me aren't even from me!" I kept on crying I turned around and lifted up my shirt and showed him my back and I heard him gasp it was full of bumpy scars and disgusting yellow and white slashes. "Near the end of 7th grade I had enough I packed a bag and ran away I told the cops and they took him away he's still in jail now I was supposed to go into foster care, but I kept on running. In the middle of July, I was kidnapped by a gang and the leader Travis liked me a little too much." I lifted right underneath my breasts and showed him a scar mixed with a tattoo, "this is from him he carved his name into me and tattooed a heart around it and I was only 13 fücking 13 and a half.  And I was already scared like no other with tattoos that same night was also the first time he raped me" I said quietly, " yep I lost my virginity at 13 because of that bastard he raped me more then I could count. I finally got free from him a little bit before a turned 15 and I got pregnant. I didn't know what to do I was only 14 years old but I kept the baby. I named him Aidan and I loved him with my entire heart I found in old apartment building that was abandoned and I stayed there I always put him first gave him all the food but one day when he was about to be two I was walking around with him and he was very intelligent for his age he was already walking and could talk a good amount I was with him and someone pulled me and him into alley where I was raped once again and my child watched until he finished and the man put a bullet in my child's head. I screamed, and kicked but the man just chuckled and when I heard the voice I knew that it was my sons father he killed his own child and the last thing he saw was his dad raping his mother he got off me put a bullet in my stomach but it wasn't that bad and that was the last I've seen of him, but he's still out there. So after that, I picked up my dead child in my arms carried him back home laid him down. I stitched myself back up and buried my kid in the backyard it was the worst experience I have ever had and I have had a lot. After when I turned sixteen and enrolled in school where I was bullied constantly and I finally had enough I just snapped I went crazy and left the school leaving Sara with a broken nose the only person that I ever sorta missed was Jax he was the only person who was nice and treated me like a friend but I forgot about him. I started stealing, street fighting, and killing anyone who hurt innocent people and became known as devil eyes about a year after I ran away i was walking home when a man pulled me into an alley and tried to mug me where I almost killed him but it turned out to be a test to become a gold dragon I accepted, trained and became they're number one fighter and shooter in the gang. But one day the leader died in a fight and I took over. That's how I became the leader and that is the story of my life." I finished off and I still had silent tears driving down my face, but not as bad as before. I looked at Jack and he looked very taken back
" I don't know what to say," he said, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that," he said holding my hand and making a small smile appear on my face, "but I need some time to think about this." He said with an emotionless expression and voice and with that he got up and walked out the door as Alex and everyone came in. I couldn't think I was screaming, sobbing, punching everything in sight. Ret ran over and grabbed my fists and Alex and Taylor were trying to talk to me.
"AVERY! AVERY! Calm down what happened!" They yelled I  calmed down just enough to explain everything my life story which made the girls cry and the guys seethe with anger and finished it off with Jack leaving and I was back to screaming and punching. I got them off me and ran upstairs into my room and locked the door. I screamed and cried till a couldn't and I passed out.

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