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Recap: You woke up to hear yelling in the living room...

You were concerned so you slowly got up trying not to wake jack.You listens from the hallway. It was your dad and your brother. You heard stuff about moving and crap. Moving? You walked into the living room.

Dad: Sorry honey did we wake you? Your idiot brother wants to move in with your grandma.
Maria: Dad I can see why
Dad: Maybe I'll understand better from you.
Kye: Yeah can you explain why grandmas house is way better for me to live at.
Maria: Well grandma is good at cooking, she has OCD so she always keeps the house clean, she's still working a lot so she makes really good money.
Dad: Ugh( your dad Barrie's his face in his hands) I know all these things, it's just kye your sisters moved away. Now you want to?
Kye: Well dad once I turn 18 I'm going to move out into L.A too.
Dad: I know you told me this.

You just sat there and stared at them.

Maria: This is crazy but why doesn't kye just come live with me and go to school and I can take him down to visit at least every 3 months and you can come to visit to dad?

Kye looked at your dad with an excited face.

Dad: I love your grandmother but ide rather move in with your sister.So it's a maybe.
Kye: Thanks dad
Maria: Yeah I just got an apartment like month ago so I have the room.

You smiled and walked back into your room.Jack was laying there, he's awake now. Climb back into bed and cuddle up with him.

Maria: Good morning handsome
Jack: Goid morning( he kisses you on the forehead).
Maria: What you wanna do today?
Jack: Tell your dad were having a baby.
Maria: Ugh I hope he doesn't kill you... We've only been dating for 3 months.
Jack: I love you, and that baby. I'm never leaving you guys.
Maria: Jack Avery you are the sweetest. I'm never leaving you either.
Jack: Ok can I say something about the baby, I've been thinking bout it Sense I woke up.
Maria: Sure
Jack: If it's a girl can we name is Amanda  and if it's a boy germy?
Maria: Oh my gosh, those are amazing. Yes. Did you chose germy because that's my dads first name?
Jack: no but I love you because I love those names.
Maria: I love you more.

You guys got up and started packing Sense you were leaving tomorrow morning. You heard a knock on the door, it was your dad so you let him in.

Dad: Ok I'm gonna take you, jack and kye out for a good bye dinner tonight.
Maria: Kye?
Dad: I'm gonna tell him he can move in with you at dinner.
Maria: O-M-G thanks dad!!!

-skip to tonight your on your way to the dinner-

You and jack sit in the back of your dads truck, and your brother and dad sit in the front.  Your brother kept quiet and your dad talked about how he needs to get a job and stuff. You and jack just talked about how your gonna tell your dad about the baby over dinner. You knew you were going to spend the rest of your life with jack but it sucks this happened now. 3 months? That's not long at all. You wished you could have at least been together a year. But it is what it is. You pulled up to the restaurant can everyone got out of the car. The waiter showed you to your booth, it was you and jack on Once side and your dad and kye in the other.

You guy orders some drinks and then ordered your food. You got spaghetti,jack got burger,your dad got a burger, and kye got pizza.

Dad: Hey guy I have something to tell you.
Dad: Kye...
Kye: I know dad I already know I can't go to L.A it's fine
Dad: No I was gonna say I bought your ticket for L.A you leave with your sister tomorrow.
Kye:(starts to freak out) Really dad!!
Dad: Yup so after dinner just pack a big bad and I'll send you anything else you need.
Maria: Sshhh your so loud😂

You all continued to eat until jack stared at you and back at your dad then back at you. You could tell he was anxious to tell your dad about the baby. You weren't. Your stomach started to get all noted. It's time to tell dad. You thought to yourself.

Maria: Hey dad I have something to tell you...
Dad: What is it honey?
Maria: Promise you won't start yelling or anything because I'm happy and I need you to be ok with this.
Dad: Your scarring me what is it?
Maria: Im pregnant and I just found out 2 days ago...

You were scarred because your dad looked at you then at jack.He actually didn't look mad. He breathed in a deep breath.

Dad: So jack you got my daughter pregnant?
Jack: I didn't mean to but yes sir...

Word count: 873
Sorry this is kinda short😕but the truth is out...

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