Surgery pt.2- Jacks thoughts

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[Jacks pov]
I'm worried sick. I haven't cried this much in... let me rephrase that, I've never cried this much befor. I know I'm suppose to act manly and not breakdown but I can't help it. And it shatters my heart to see Maria go through this. My beautiful angel. I love her and the babies so much, they're my life. I don't know what it would be like with out her. This past 9 months with Maria have been life changing. She doesn't understand just how much I need her. I don't think I could live with out her.

I felt tears starting to stream down my face where the old tears have dried up. Thinking of the fact that she could die right now, and I can't help her. It's only been an hour and I'm waiting for someone come and tell me everything is ok. I'm waiting for something to happen, anything! I want this to all be over, all the pain and suffering. I just want to be happy.

I see a nurse walk up to the waiting room looking around and she pauses at me and Germy(Maria's dad). She walked to us and asked if we were there for Maria. I shook my head and she sat down in the seat infront of us. Her facial expression wasn't happy or sad, more stressed. "How is she?" I asked. The nurse put on a small smile. "Maria is about a 1/4th of the way done with surgery, it will more then likely take a few hours to finish. She is stable and they are getting ready to take the babies out... I will come every hour and tell you how they are, and if anything becomes urgent I'll be sure to come and tell u as soon as possible." She replied. I sighed. "Thank you so much" Germy replied. We both sat back in our chairs trying to relax. I guess I drifted into sleep because I felt someone shaking my shoulder. It was Germy.

Germy: Hey the nurse is back out and she wants to talk to you
Jack: How long have I been out?
Germy: about an hour I wanted to let you sleep
Jack: Oh ok thank you

I got up from my chair and walked over to the nurse. She looked at me with a worried look.

Nurse: Mr.Avery we just took out the babies and they are alive, but they are in very fatal condition.

I felt my eyes water while she continued to explain the babies condition.

Jack: Are they going to live?
Nurse: We are not sure at the moment, we are cleaning them now and then we will put them in incubators. Once done so you can see them.
Jack: What about Maria?
Nurse: Maria is doing great, they are fixing up the rib and checking for any lunch damage but she should actually be done soon.
Jack: Thank you so much, can you let me know when I can see the babies?
Nurse: Of course, you seem very stressed. I'm not really suppose to do this but would you like me to find you a bed so you can get some sleep?
Jack: No thank you but can Maria's father do that, he needs the sleep more than me.
Nurse: Of course

The nurse walked off to Germy and walked him to where ever the room was. I'm really tired but he's old and needs it more. I really hope the babies make it. I'm so glad Maria is going to be ok.

I felt this heavy weight being lifted off my shoulders, the feelings were still there but the stress wasn't as bad. Knowing that Maria is stable is amazing.

💗💗 everything is getting better one step at a time

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