The end

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-3 Year's later-

{Narrative pov}

Over the 3 years Maria and jack have been happier then ever. They had there ups and downs but marriage really fixed there relationship. Jonah and Mari have 3 kids now and are happily married to. Daniel ended up getting Maryelle pregnant so they how have a child together. Zach got a girlfriend and they feel they are still too young for kids and marriage so they are waiting. Corbyn married Christina and they have 1 child together also. They all moved into the same neighbor hood as Maria and jack. Except for Christina and corbyn they live just a few miles away.

Maria and jacks twins are now 3 and their birthdays are tomorrow. You guys are having everyone over, also you and Mari aren't that close anymore. Your still friends but you guys have both been so busy with the kids.

{Maria's pov}

I'm so excited for the twins 3rd birthday tomorrow my babies are growing up so fast. I remember their first words. Germy's were momma and Amanda's was dada. Jack and I are planning on having another kid soon. Yeah it's a lot but we are happy and we want our kids to be close so we figured if they are all near the same age they would get along.

Zach's girlfriend recently told me she was pregnant. I feel kinda bad for them they are only 19. But I know they will raise the baby in great home. Zach's girlfriend, mia, is a nurse and Zach's singing career really took off for him. But Mia seems really anxious, she talked to Zach about abortion and he's totally against it. But they'll be fine.

I turned 22 this past month. And jack is now 23 we really are young when I think of it.

I'm on my way home from work and the grocery store because everyone in the house really wanted cookie dough ice cream and pizza. And I thought I would treat the kids since it's their birthday tomorrow.

I would through the front door and saw jack playing with the kids in the floor. They all looked adorable.

Amanda: Mamaaaa
Maria: Hi baby how was your day today. I said crouching down to the kids height and hugged them.
Amanda: Good, germy was being a butthead
Maria: Oh really now. I looked at jack and germy who both out their hands up.
Jack: Hey in my case they were both pretty good today

I got up and jack got up and walked over to me and pulled me into a big hug. He kissed me on the lips and I let out a sigh, I was glad to be home. Work has been tiring me out.

Jack: How was your day baby?
Maria: good I think I might get a raise.
Jack: Well that's good to hear
Maria: Yeah, hey kids can you go play in your room please
Germy&Amanda: Yes mommy. They walked away and I looked back at jack.
Maria: Jack I want to take the kids to Disney land tomorrow for their birthday and I wanna invite everyone and their families.
(Everyone is Jonah,Mari,Corbyn,Christina,Zach,Mia,Dani,Maryelle and all their kids)
Jack: That sounds super fun but that's kinda sudden do you think everyone will make it?
Maria: I'll text everyone right now a check

Text to Group chat-Mari,Jonah,Zach,Mia,Corbyn,Christina,Dani,Maryelle

You: Hey guys I want to have a little birthday party at Disney land is everyone free?
Mari: Me and Jonah are
Mia: Count me and Zach too
Corbyn: Me and Christina too
Mari: We bring our kids right
You: Well duh it's for the kids
You: Ok I'll send a link so you can purchase tickets now.
You: We can meet at the Dino Cafe(random cafe bc I don't feel like looking one up :))
Everyone: Ok

End of message-

Me: Ok jack everything is good we are going to Disney. Can you call the Dino cafe and reserve a party room. It'll be set up by them. Schedule it at 12
Jack: Ok baby
Me: I love you
Jack: I love you more princess

-time skip to tomorrow at Disney because I'm lazy-

[Maria pov]

All the kids are eating cake and laughing, and all the adults are sitting and talking about how everyone is doing. Mia talked about how she's going to keep the baby and Zach seems extremely excited about it. As we finished our food we paid the waitress and we gathered all of our kids and decided to go ride the rides.

Germy: Momma can w-we go to the Nemo ride
Me: Of course, everyone ok with that?

Everyone looked at me and said yes, all the kids jumping with toothy grins.

-Time skip to the end of day back at home-

(Still Maria's pov)

Me: So babies did you have a good birthday?!
Amanda&Germy: Yes mommy!
Jack: Good
Me: So how old are you guys now?
Germy: uhhhh 2
Amanda: No germy we 3
Jack: Haha you two are adorable, but yes germy your sister is right your 3 now. Jack picks both children up in his arms. And looks very attractive as a handsome dad and husband.
Jack: I love you babies
Germy: We love you too daddy
Jack: I love your mommy very much so to, join our hug momma
Me: Ide love to join my loves. I gave germy and Amanda a bunch of kisses all over there chubby faces.
Germy: Eeew mommy too many kisses
Jack: Yeah and how about me.
Me: oh how could I forget about you
Jack: Ok good night babies go to your beds.
Amanda&germy: Goodnight mommy and daddy
Me: goodnight my loves

Me and jack walked over to the couch and cuddled sighing in relief on the amazing day we just had.

About 5 minutes passed of jack stroking my hair and he spoke up.

Jack: I love you so much
Me: I love you more
Jack: Impossible
Me: I can't wait to grow old with you and stay with you for ever
Jack: Why wouldn't we baby? It's you and me against the world forever and always.

-The end-


The end :,(

I love all of you so much and I just want to say thank you so much to all the people who stayed with me through the whole book. I thank you for bring joy to my life.
This was my first book and I know it's pretty bad. But I just want to thank the 2.19k people who have chosen to read my book.

As I just said 2.19k!! THANK YOU💓💓💓💓

Please comment of message me ideas of a new book. Also I'm working on a book right now and if you would like to request to be a character message me.

Well I'm done rambling... I would just like to thank you 1 more time for reading my book and I hope you enjoyed.

(Comment ❤️ if you have read the whole book)


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