Chapter 17 - That afternoon

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The boys walk in and close the door behind them.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Crystal asks Mike.

"Even when I tried annoying the paparazzi, they just didn't leave us alone. We took a longer route home." Mike explains and drinks a glass of water.

"Poor you. How was work, anyway?" Crystal asks and sits next to (Y/N) on the couch. 

"Fun. As always. It was more fun with (Y/N) there." Luke says while walking to one of the chairs next to the couch.

(Y/N) smiles. "I found it fun too. It was fun recording with you guys."

"The pleasure is all ours." Ash tips over like a gentleman. He sits down on the couch next to (Y/N).

Cal walks by the table where they had breakfast that morning. Just then (Y/N) sees he is holding a sheet of paper in his hand. Cal secretly places the paper on the table, trying to hide it from (Y/N) and Crystal's view.

(Y/N) gets up, walks to Cal and looks at the paper. "What's this?" She asks.

"Oh, um... Nothing..." Cal is lying. It's not nothing. (Y/N) can sense it. She takes the paper and runs to Crystal, holding the paper in hand. "Princess... Please... Don't do it. Don't look at the paper..." Cal says helplessly from the table. Ash sighs and Mike and Luke both shake their heads. (Y/N) reads the first few lines.

She looks with wide eyes at Crystal and shows her the paper. "C-Cal... Why... Why were you trying to hide this?" The young girl says, trying to keep her tears in.

"I didn't want you to know... I thought it would hurt you badly..." Cal replies, sounding like a sad puppy.

After Crystal reads it, she looks at Mike. "Mikey. This was supposed to be the first thing you should've told us when you came in. Why didn't you tell us?"

"I... We just wanted to deal with this as quickly as possible, so that you two wouldn't have to worry about a weird, CRAZY asshole, who claims we kidnapped (Y/N) and wants to sue us for that." Mike explains and collapses on the small couch next to the one Crystal is sitting in. She gets up, walks over to Mike, sits down next to him and leans on his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him.

"Oh, babe..." She says and kisses him.

(Y/N), still holding the lawsuit paper, gets up and starts walking to her room.

"Hey, (Y/N). Where are you going?" Luke asks from behind her. She doesn't reply. Luke follows her to her room, where she closes the door just before he could walk in. "Hey, will you let me in?" He asks, putting one of his ears on the door.

"I need a bit of space, Luke." (Y/N) says from just the other side of the door, as if she's leaning on the door.

"Ok. Just... Come back when you're feeling better, ok?" Luke asks and waits for an answer. When he doesn't get one he goes back down to the others. "She's locked herself in her room. She wants some time alone." He explains.

Meanwhile (Y/N) pulls out a paper out of her backpack and a pen and sits down on her desk. She scribbles a note.

"Jarid. If you're mad I ran away, say it to my face. Don't sue Ash, Cal, Luke and Mike. They did not kidnap me. I ran away. I ran away from an abusive 'family'. I wanted to have the life I never did. My initial plan was to go to an adoption center and put myself as an orphan and live for as long as I needed with other orphans. My plan was not to get adopted by 5 Seconds Of Summer before I could get to the adoption center. They did NOT KIDNAP ME! Also, the life I have right now, away from you two, is so much better. Also, do you remember what is coming up in two days? If you do, stop bothering us. If you don't, stop bothering us." She folds the paper in four and walks downstairs, putting the paper in her back pocket. 

"Hey, look who's back!" Luke proclaims, when (Y/N) reaches the bottom of the stairs. "You ok?" He looks confused at her, seeing her blank stare. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She forces a smile on her face. "I'm going out. I'll be back soon. In like 1 hour." She says and walks out of the house, without hearing everybody's concern and questions. 

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