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Chapter 8

The demon stopped and turned to face Kate. He smiled, surprisingly.

"Oh look, another girl to kill!" He mocked.

"No, actually. I'm the one you should be afraid of!" Kate shouted, obviously angry at the creatures grading of who's predator here, "just get off her!"

He lunged off Taylor, but only to menacingly throw himself towards Kate/Adela. But she just stepped to the side and jumped off the trunk, leaving him to fall on the other side of the fallen tree.

"I'll KILL YOU!" He rose up and took Kate's old position on the tree trunk.

Completely ignoring the horror that took place in the demon, Kate helped Taylor up.

"Kate? Is this the real Kate?" Taylor sounded fed up, like she was bound to explode and spill out all the angry emotions and words she'd piled up in her self for Kate. So the only option left to maintain Taylor's sanity was to lie.

"Yes, Tay. I don't know what happened to me I think I might of hit my head before I fell on my bed or something," Adela made up, in her mind but Kate's body.

Taylor sighed in relief, but Fabien, who had been standing at the side lines just reviewing the scene, tensed. Adela worried wether or not he knew that she had stolen Kate's soul.

"WE NEED TO GO!" Fabien suddenly screamed, it shook Taylor's spine and an even colder essence invaded her blood.

The demon started chasing them through the woods.

"BACK TO MINE NOW!" Fabien shouted, directing the two girls through the night.

They trampled on to the grassland of his front garden, all three of them not looking where they were going now but seeing where the demon was. And he was right behind Taylor when she looked, practically centre metres apart.

She screamed, scarring the air as sound waves rippled, furiously, through the night. Tearing it apart like a knife, the scream stabbed itself into Fabiens ear and so he took her hand and literary threw her through the door that had been opened by a very startled Damien.

"what on earth is going on here..." He said.

"Just shut the do-" Fabien stumbled in last and Damien slammed it closed and locked it. But the demon banged and banged hard at the door, it was so loud and so frightening that Taylor naturally ran upstairs to hide, and so Adela, trying to look as human as possible, ran up too.

"Well, someone needs anger management," Damien smiled, "Does our door look like a punching bag?"

"Oh my god, SHUT UP!" Fabien ordered.

"OooOo not my fault you brought back satan," he teased.

"What are we going to do?!" Fabien frowned,"what's going on?!"

"Well...we either kill him or we try to kill him but get killed ourself but either way at least this banging will stop and I won't have to deal with the side effect that is a migraine," as vampires still get temporary illnesses.

"How do we kill demons?!" Fabien said, lost.

"Well..." Damien hurried into the main living room, he started skimming through the titles of books, swiping off the thick layer of dust as he did, until he found one called,

défenses et attaques surnaturelles

He flipped through it until he found a page with the title, Demons. And started to talk whilst read...

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