Surgery Date

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Chapter 9

Adela swarmed through the wood, it was getting lighter by the second and mist was starting to rise simultaneously with the sun. Her loose top was being torn by the twigs that stuck out of the trees like grabbing hands. Her hair was messy and knotty and the white top she wore soon ripped completely and turned brown with dirt. Her whole image must of looked terrible and obvious and bold...she thought, and as Damien evidently knows that Kate isn't Kate...she needed to find a way to be unrecognised so no one can give them clues of where she went. Because all she ever wanted really was that sweet feeling of being part of this world. Adela would no longer have to go un invited to this huge party everyone is constantly attending. That huge party that is, life and everything that comes with it, she craved it ever since her short life ended and she became a spirit that here and there wondered the earth hopelessly in search for a chance. For an escape.


"What...where- am- I?" Taylor woke in complete confusion. On Damien's bed in the exact position he had left her.

She looked around the room that no one was present. The light was off but a hint of morning was seeping through the open window so she could just about see. But she shivered from the cold breeze that the window also occupied. The room was big, and black. The walls, bed, wardrobe...everything. Was just plain, black. The only non-black thing was the floor. It was wood floorboards.

"Hello?!" She asked. Raising her voice in the process.

No one answered.

So she dragged her now, seemingly heavy, body up off the bed and to the door. A flood of light-bulb light invited itself in and her eyes burned at the sudden unnatural, bright light. She dared walk in to it and closed the door behind her. As she slowing walked down the huge hallway of the house she heard a few mutters from downstairs, she recognised some of them, it was Fabien and Damien and... A women.

"Fa-Fabien," she shouted silently, thinking no on could hear and so she would have to go to them but surprisingly she heard footsteps coming up stairs and,

"Taylor, silly sweet sweetheart..." Damien soothingly whispered.

And she welled up and started crying for her parents.


Oh, great, Damien thought in annoyance, I just killed a demon with bare hands, he lied to himself, and now I've got to deal with a crying girl...

"Shhh, don't worry, let's go then." Damien said, sounding friendly but in fact couldn't stand the girl.

He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, then walked down the stairs, out the front door and to his car he never used. And he didn't run run because he couldn't unfold the cast over Taylor's mind. Like the supernatural thoughts were the cut and the plaster was Damien's control and possession. He could of bit her and she would be completely ignorant to the situation after the side affect that is sleep. But no, Fabien would go ballistic if he found out he had fed on his little friend...

He snapped out of his thoughts when Taylor started screaming louder for no bloody reason.

Oh, damn it.

And he slid his two front canines into her throat. Yeah, now you have something to scream about. He thought whilst he aggressively ripped at her throat in complete anger where there was no room for empathy or sympathy.

After a short time of sucking, he took himself to a hard stop and pulled quickly away from her before the smell of her addictive blood took advantage of him, again. Damien sat back on his drivers seat and without looking, he ran his fingers down the gash in her throat. And then, he could look. As it was totally gone. She lay in the seat beside him and dropped her head to the side as she slept.

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