Chapter 11

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"Hey look! Its Lumiose City!" Serena pointed. "Alright!" Ash said. "Yaay! I wanna go see daddy! Come on!" Bonnie yelled then ran while the others ran, too.

(Y/N)'s POV
Woah! Lumiose City is just so big!! I didn't mind all of the random stares people give me here. I was busy looking everywhere! "(Y/N), isn't Lumiose City beautiful?" Bonnie asked. "Yeah. I have never been here before." I replied while looking around. Again, I was so busy looking around that I didn't even hear Clemont and Bonnie's conversation. I was so impressed by how this City is huge!

Bonnie's POV
(Y/N) seemed to love Lumiose City. Since she was too busy admiring the place, I decided to talk to Clemont.
"Hey big brother?" I asked, starting the conversation.
"Yeah, Bonnie?" He asked.
"Ever since (Y/N) came, you were acting different. What's up with that?"
"H-huh?! N-nothing's wrong! Why do you ask th-that??"
"Well, I noticed that when you talk to her, you mostly stutter and blush." I smirked, trying not to be suspicious.
"U-uhh..." he stuttered.
"Clemont! Bonnie!" a familiar voice called for us. I gasped "Daddy!" as I ran and hugged him. "Dad!!" Clemont said, excitedly. "Nice to see ya, Meyer!" Ash greeted.

(Y/N)'s POV
I wanted to explore more of this amazing City. Anyway, I stopped and saw that Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie were talking to someone. "Daddy, meet our new friend!" Bonnie said. "Hi there! I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you!" I smiled. "Nice to meet you, too. My name's Meyer. I'm the father of Clemont and Bonnie." He replied. "So Clemont. Seems like you got yourself a girlfriend? An interesting one, too!"

"D-dad! It's not l-like that!" Clemont shouted, very embarrassed. He was blushing like crazy! And so was I. When I heard that, electric sparks came out of my cheeks and I was very speechless. "Haha, I'm just kidding!" Meyer laughed.

A/N: Is this chapter long enough? I mean, I mostly do 300 words, but if this happened in reality, then the moment would be very SHORT. Anyway, more DUMB chapters coming soon!

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