Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s POV
I was still trying to stand shortly after I woke up, but no such luck. I sigh, they still must be looking for me. Now I'm getting worried. They'll find me, I think in my head.

Bonnie's POV (just cuz)
"Lux!" Luxray called to us. "Did you find her, Luxray?" Clemont asked. It nodded and started walking to where (Y/N) was and we followed it.

It looked like (Y/N) was pretty far away from us, seeing that Luxray is still leading us to her. "It's so dark in here." I said. "We'll get out of this cave as soon as we find (Y/N)." Ash replied. Luxray stopped walking and nodded at us, which I think it means that we are close to (Y/N). "Thanks, Luxray. Return." Clemont returned his Pokemon in his Pokeball.

"(Y/N)!!!" I called out. "Oh! Thanks for finding me! I was starting to think that it would take longer than this for you guys to find me." She said, sitting on the ground and smiling. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Serena asked. "Y-Yeah I think so. I just- Owww!!" She replied and tried to stand up put failed. "Oh no! Your leg!" Serena pointed.

"Well, I got this deep cut right after I fell down here. Heheh." She giggled nervously. "Clemont, do you think you can help her?" I asked my big brother. "Uhh... s-sure." He replied as he got his things to fix her leg. I could tell he was slightly blushing. Hehe.

(Y/N)'s POV
I was blushing a lot when I watched Clemont fixing my leg. When he was done, my leg was wrapped in gauze. "Th-Thanks, Clemont!" I thanked him. "No problem." Clemont replied. He extended his hand towards me. I took it and he helped me stand up. I was feeling so much better now! "We should go now." Ash said. Everyone else agreed, including me.

Clemont's Luxray was leading us out of the cave. I avoided looking at Clemont and looked around the cave. Just looking at him makes me blush! Anyway, we were just walking out of the cave after Clemont returned his Luxray. It was night time, so all of us decided that we were going to camp here.

Bonnie's POV (I like doing this xD)
After everyone finished getting the camp things ready, I walked over to (Y/N) because I wanted to talk to her. I was wondering why she didn't look at Clemont and just the cave. I also wondered why she was literally blushing when Clemont was fixing her leg. It's so obvious! But I asked her anyway.

"(Y/N), I noticed that you... blush around my brother. Why is that?" I asked, trying not to be suspicious.
"Oh it-it's nothing. Really." She replied.
"Come, on! You can tell me! I won't tell anyone." I said to her.
"A-Alright... Well, you see, I... I k-kind of... have feelings for him!" She replied and turned away from me. I knew it!!
"It's alright! I'll just keep this a secret between you and me." I reassured her.
"Oh... okay..." she replied, nervous.

(Y/N)'s POV (again)
Me and Bonnie just had the most personal conversation ever! I can't believe I just confessed to Bonnie, the little sister of the... person I like. Hopefully Bonnie won't forget to not tell anyone about it, especially Clemont. I crawled inside my tent and slept there without anyone knowing, I'm pretty sure.

A/N: Oooh a long chapter! Anyway if you all are wondering, "Hey, are you ending this fanfic at chapter 20?". Nope. I am not. Because I literally love my fanfic, I can't stop thinking for ideas. Next chapter, tomorrow!

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