Chapter 18

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(Y/N)'s POV
Those sparks finally stopped, thank goodness. After that, awkward moments flooded in my mind. Kissing Clemont, sleeping on his lap, blushing and stuttering around him... Wait, why am I thinking about him?? I was so lost in thought that I actually felt like I was... falling?! Yeah! I start yelling, "AHH!!" as I fell.

When I landed, my right leg was bruised and had a deep cut. "Aw, man! I don't think I can walk much!" I say aloud to myself. When I looked around me, it looked like I was in a cave. Above me, was light and Ash, Clemont, Bonnie and Serena, looking down at me. "Are you alright, (Y/N)??" Bonnie yelled down here. "Y-Yeah, I'm okay!" I replied. "We'll get you out of there!" Ash called. I nodded as they walked away.

(A/N: I don't think this cave is in Kalos. So don't blame me for adding this random cave here.)

I sigh. I might as well just try to walk? I mean, I can't really stand up. Plus, my leg is bleeding from that deep cut. Looking around the cave, I found no solution. It's just so dark in here! Too bad I don't have any Pokemon.

Bonnie's POV (:>)
Me, Ash, Clemont and Serena tried to look for an entrance to that cave (Y/N) fell in. I was just about to look left and I saw something on my right. Or was I about to look right and saw something on my left? I'm not sure. But anyways, I found a cave entrance that might just lead to where (Y/N) is. "Over there!" I point to the entrance. "Alright!" Ash exclaimed as all of us walked in.

When we were inside, Serena's Braixen lit up a wood thingy and made a torch, since it was dark. We saw some Pokemon in the cave. She could be anywhere in this cave, because it's a maze in here!

(Y/N)'s POV
I stood up very slowly and leaned on the wall. I was trying to walk, but I kept on falling. So I crawled my way out of that spot and noticed 3 pathways to go to. This cave was actually a maze?! How are they going to find me now?? All I see are other Pokemon in here. Who knows? Maybe they... won't find me stuck in this cave until tomorrow?? I shake my head rapidly from side to side. I'm just lost in thought, that's all.

I sat down and leaned my back on the wall. "1 Zubat, 2 Zubat, 3 Zubat, 4 Zubat, 5 Zubat..." counted in my mind as the Zubats flew passed me. That's when I fell asleep, again. I'm tired, aren't I?

Bonnie's POV (lol again)
We look almost everywhere in this cave, but no (Y/N)! Wait, I just got an idea!! "Clemont! Why don't you use Luxray's eyesight?! Maybe it can find (Y/N)!" I suggested. "Oh right! Luxray, come out!" He called out as he threw his Pokeball in the air. "Luxray, can you use your eyesight to help us find (Y/N)?" He asked his Pokemon. "Lux Ray!" Luxray nodded as it's eyes turned white and started looking around.

A/N: I am SO freaking sorry to end this right here. I had to end the chapter here because well, I didn't want the chapter to have like, 600 words unlike chapter 7 even though it's still short. I will update tomorrow.

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