6 Party P1

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The Next Day

Maketha POV

I woke up so happy that Tremaine was here for spring break. I try to get up, but someone strong arm was around me. I thought it was Tremaine into I turned around. I started to screaming and I jumped up and August jumped up to saying 'what', I started laughing cause the look he had on he's face."What?"He said looking at me."You."I said still laughing."Your not funny."He said walking to the bathroom and closing the door behind him. 15 minutes later he came out the bathroom with water dripping all over he's body and a towel rapped around he's waist. He looked so sexy right know, damn I wish I was single. So I can get a tease of him. Look at those tats, I can just look the sweat off them."Damn can I have my body   back?"August said laughing."What?"I look up at he's face."I'm going to go get ready for school."It took me 40 minutes in the bathroom. 20 minutes in the shower, 15 minutes to get dress, and to brush my teeth. When I came out the bathroom August was fully dress setting on my bed just typing away on he's phone."Dawn girl it took you long enough. We going to be late for school."

"We?" I looked at him like he was crazy."Yes we. We're driving to school in my car."

"Who said that?"

"I did."

"Will you lie to yourself. Cause my boyfriend is taking me and picking me up from school."

We went downstairs together arguing about stupid stuff."Whatever August. Moma where is Trey?"I said walking in the kitchen."Goodmoring to you too and hey August I didn't see you come in."

"Hey Mrs. Carter. How you and Mr. Carter doing?"I rolled my eyes, cause August always trying to play kiss up with my mother."We're doing great as always. An' Maketha Tremaine went on he's morning run with Jason."I sighed then rolled my eyes."Girl what I tell you about that?"

"Sorry moma it's just that he promised to take me and pick me up from school today. I was really looking forward to that."

"Will he said he's coach been on he's back lately cause they got to be ready for they games. He said he'll pick you up for sure, oh and to give you this."She handed me along box. I open it and it was a locket with MH+TN in carved in the front and in the it said LFE(Love For Every)."Aww. Moma can you help me put it on."

"Sure honey turn around."I turned around and she it on me.

August POV

I was a little jealous when I saw that Tremaine had got Maketha a necklace and when Mrs. Carter said he told her he went on a run with Mr. Carter I was thinking, BULLSHIT. Who he think he talking to he's fucking some thot behind my girl back. An' yes I did say girl, cause that's what she is to me."Maketha are you ready to go."


At School

"Awe. Shit look at August and miss we not dating."Said Maya. Maketha been smiling really hard ever since we left the house."What the hell you smiling so hard for?"Marion said looking at her then me."Man tell me you ain't cuffing this bitch or fucking her?"

"Yo mama is a bitch. An' for yo info I'm happy cause Tremaine is in town and he got this necklace made for me."

"Who's Tremaine?"

"He's a guy that I met at a college party back him before a came here."

"An' he are ready buying you shit like this. Girl you must got that good shit."All the guys start laughing, but me."I never had sex." "Are you serious?"She shuck her head up and down."He's hiding something."I mumble. She gave me the look like shut up."How old is he?"


"20. What the fuck."

"It's not a big deal him and my brother are friends."

"You lucky you ain't my sister."Marion said pull Kemah closer to him."If you was my sis that nigga and you would have got fuck up."Said Chris."Yo brother is only 13."

Maketha POV

"Have a 21year old brother that's in-."I was interrupted by a car pulling up playing music loud as hell. Making everyone stop what they doing and look to see who it was. The drive door then open and I couldn't believe my eyes."RYAN!"I yelled running to him as he was opening his passenger side door I jumped on him."WHAT THE FUCK MAN."Said Ryan pushing me off him."Maketha?"

"What are you doing here?"Vivica got out the car, I ran to her and start screaming."VIVI OMG."I hugged her."I'm on spring break. What are you doing her?"

"Moma think it'll help me change."I laughed."Yo little ass bet not be getting into trouble."

"Yeah. We can say that."I laughed again. He punched me in my arm."I'm not playing with you Maketha Samille Heartson."

"Don't be saying my government name out here. I got niggas looking for me."I laughed and push him."You gone stop pushing me."He put me in a headlock and hit me on my butt. In till I said okay, then he let me go. He hit ViVi on her butt, she pushed him up against the car and told him to 'stop that shit'. They started making out and I acted like I was hitting her from the back.

August POV

Watched as Maketha smiled, laughed, and play with this boy that looked old enough to be in college. An' it was making a nigga kind of jealous seeing the girl I like get all happy over some other nigga. It was a girl with him and she was hot for her to be dark sinked. Her ass was almost Maketha mom sizes, so you know she ain't no virgin. I watch as her and the dude started kissing and Maketha started dancing behind her and dude yell out 'threesome'. Maketha stop dancing and started laughing as the girl was saying something into the dude said something. Then she pushed him and rolled her eyes. That girl and the dude kissed again and then she went inside the school and Maketha started walking are away. Play it cool.

Ryan POV

Me, my girl and my sister was talking, when Maketha said she wanted me to meet her friends, so ViVi went inside. I didn't like her friends, then tow girls was okay. I just didn't like those three boys, especially the one leaning up against the car."Hey guys this is my brother Ryan. Ryan this is Kemah and Maya."

"Hey."Said Kemah and Maya."August, Chris, and Marion."Chris and August said 'what's up'. Why Marion try to shack my hand."Noah you good lil men."Chris started laughing.

At The Party

Maketha POV

Kemah and Marion ride with August and some girl from school. I took a ride with Chris and Maya freaky ass. When we got there August and them was are ready there and he was standing outside with that girl leaning up against his car tonguing her down."Damn Coke give my boy he's tongue back."Chris said laughing. I rolled my eyes."Shut up Chris."

"I'll shut up when you learn how to keep yo mouth shut. Which we all know will happen, since you always got you mouth on someone dick."All of us start laughing."Chris you just mad cause I won't fuck yo ass."August and her started laughing, I just rolling my eyes."If he was gay and you had a dick you couldn't get his ass, cause we don't fuck ARBU bitches."I said rolling my."Excuse me."She said getting in my face."Oh I'm sorry, but I don't move for trash."I then pushed her and went into the party with Maya, Kemah, Marion, and Chris laughing at Chris crazy ass."THE PARTY IS HERE BITCHES."Chris yelled then busted out doing bernie lean. But no one was looking at him they was cheering someone on that was are ready dancing. Chris did not look to happy, he push everyone out he's way and when he got to the middle of the dance floor he said; "Who the fuck are you?"

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