12 Drunk/Birth

45 3 0

Chris POV

I was hanging with my boy's at the stripe club for August b-day. When Marion phone started ringing."It's MeMe yall, I got to take this."

"Damn nigga, she always fucking yo fun up. That's why I kicked MaMa pregnant ass to the cover."

"Ketha told me she left yo childish ass." "Oh so you fucking Ketha now?"I laughed."None of yo damn busi-"GCO by Marion running back in the room."We got to go right now."

"No yo ass got to go."I said laughing at him. I was high ass fuck and drunk."What's going on Marion?"

"Bitches bounce. The girls are at the hospital trying to help Maya."


"She went into labor."

"She's only six months."

"Wow dumb ass we didn't know that. Come on, August help me with he's drunk ass."They start dragging me out the club."I'm about to be a daddy my girls is giving birth."I yelled.

Maya POV

"OOWW...FUCK..."I screamed."Where the fuck is they?"Kemah yelled holding my hand. Something Chris ass should be doing."They was at the strip club. How far long?"

"2 more hours."A nurse said."GET THESE FUCKING BABIES OUT OF ME NOW BITCH."

"God, shut her up."Maketha said."Stop the pain."Kemah cried.

August POV

"Men this is a fucked up birthday."Marion started laughing."Chris ass is high and drunk. An' MaMa is giving birth. I didn't get no pussy or even seen one in 3 three weeks."Chris laughed with Marion this time."This is fucked up."

"Didn't you some from Ketha."

"She's trying to be faithful to Tremaine. Like bitch he ain't stop you before, he's not being faithful to yo ass."

"It sounds like your jealous to me."Said Marion."Shut up Marion and worry about Kemah pregnant ass."

"What the fuck you talking about?Kemah ain't pregnant."

"Then she getting fat and always eating and Ketha said Kemah ain't seen her friend."Chris chuckled."Join the baby daddy's club."

"Fuck you, I ain't no baby daddy. If anything I'm a farther. Chris a damn baby daddy."I started laughing."Woah I ain't no baby daddy either, I'm taking care of mine's."

"You still a baby daddy, MaMa don't want or need yo ass no more. She was at her condo she just brought Ketha's little brother was the one that found her."

"What the fuck was he doing at my girl house?"

"Yo ex-girl she's been seeing Ketha brother for 2 months now."

Ketha POV

"Woah!"The doctor said walking in."What?"Maya said worry."You got a lot of family here."

"Can we get these, FUCKING BABIES OUT OF ME."

"Sorry... I'm have you put yo legs up  here."

Maya POV

Max grabbed my hand and told me to push something Chris should be doing. Max was 4 years younger then me and he tired me like a woman. He always telling me to do for myself and my babies and fuck Chris. After 3 hours of pushing. I had a beautiful baby boy and baby girl.
Maurice Christopher Brown 4lb
Born September 3th at 11:53pm
Christian Music Brown 2lb
Born September 4th 12:35am
Both Virgo's

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