16 Feeling Sorry

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August POV

I swear I hate that bitch ass niggas. Yo probably like dang August who pissed you the fuck off. But i's more of a 'what'. I was just on my way to my last class of day with Chris just laughig and joking around you know how we do. When this nigga walks up to me talking shit. The only reason why I didn't hit he's bitch ass. Is cause he was Ketha's nigga and I didn't wanna calls any trouble for her in her relationship. So just brushed it off and in the locker room and changed into my basketball shorts and then headed to the main gym. When I walked in the gym I seen all the girls in a circer laughing, but Ketha she was setting with her back up against the bleaches and her legs pulled up to her chast. The girls was pointing at her and laughing, so being a good friend I walked over to see what was up with her."Hey-"She a mark on her face like she had gotting into a fight."Did he do this to you?"I asked and she just started going in on me."FUCK YOU AUGUST YOU THINK THE WORLD INVOICE AROUND YOU, BUT IT DON'T. AND YOU KNOW WHAT ALES, A GIRL LIKE ME WOULD NEVER DATE A GUY LIKE YOU."She yelled why she was crying."LIKE ME. Ketha I was just-"She then jumped up in my face."YES LIKE YOU. YOUR A JERK, THEN ANYTHING YOU WORRY AND CARE IS WHAT NEXT GIRL YOU GONE GET AND SMASH THEN YOU LEAVE THEM BROKEN HEART AND CRYING OVER YOU WISH THEY JUST CAN DIE IN STAND OF HAVING TO LOOK AT YOU EVERY MORNING. YOU'RE JUST SELFISH, ALL YOU THINK ABOUT IS YOUR SELF. SO JUST FUCK OFF."Is she fucking serous right now."YO SO CALL BOYFRIEND HIT YOU AND FUCKED GOD'S KNOW HOW MANY GIRLS, BUT I'M THE JERK AND THE CHEAT. THE ONLY THING YOU WAS RIGHT ABOUT IS ME FUCKING OFF, CAUSE THAT'S IS WHAT I'M GOING TO DO."

Ketha POV

He then walked away and I can tell that I really had hurt-ed him. I mean I have seen that much pain into he's eyes before and it hurt me so much that I had said those things to him. But I had too. Chris walked up being mrs. jokers and I wasn't in the fucking moved. So went in on him to."WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT CHRIS. MAYA SAID SHE DON'T WANNA GET BACK WITH YO BITCH ASS SO STOP CALLING HER."He started chucking, some he do when he is mad."Ummm...Ketha....WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE TALKING TO I AIN'T AUGUST DON'T GET YOU MOUTH BUSTED."I pushed him out of my face. So he slapped the shit out of me and I fell to the ground."WE WAS JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YO ASS, BUT SINCE YOU DON'T NEED US ANYMORE. THEN FUCK YOU AND DON'T CALL US WHEN YOU NEED HELP."Said Chris. Then he walked away and went to look for August to check up in him. I felt hell of bad, cause Chris and August was the only guy friends I had. And probably like what about Marion, but me and him don't really speak like that.

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