24 Death Wish

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August POV

I was setting in my room my nigga Mack Dog was here playing the game with me. But I just couldn't stop thinking about Ketha. I feeled sorryabout what happen to her, but mostly bad. Because Marion wished this on her and I just laughed about it, I hope she don't die though.

"Yo Youngie if you feekl that bad, maybe you should just go see her."I shucked my head no.

"Will if it make you feel better, the word the stress been saying her crazy ex- had one of his boy's do it. They said he got a death wish on her, my girl even told me that he the raise Ketha was hiding."He said as he knocked me out on the game and won.

"But I thought she worked at the club?"I asked cuting the game off. Then sitting back on my bed."She do. But she only leave home for work, she has someone get her food and clouths for her."

"Is it that bad?"

"Hell ueah. She sleep with guns, I mean she don't even go out and she don't trust anyone."


"Short bad though and I heard she got a man who lives over sea's. The day she got hit she was suppose to go pick him up at the airperte."


"Yeah...Will I'm about to go before this girl start tripping."We dabbed up."Ight mane, I think I'm go see her." I said getting up and putting my shoes on.

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