26 Just A Fuck Day

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Kemah POV

I knew something happen between Ketha and Marion, and he was lying about how they first met and when. So I lie to him and told him that I was going to the mall with MaMa, but I went to Ketha to get to the dottom of this shit.

"Hey girl."We was setting in her living drinking a glass of wine.

"Hey."She said setting down she had just put her kids to bed. Her husbend was at work though, so I guess I meet him some other day.

"So how long have you been marry?"I said after clairing my throat.

"It's been 3 years in two more days."She drinking some of her wine.

"Damn Ketha you couldn't wait to pop the kids out."I laughed making her blush.

"When that was he's plan."She smiled.

"What was yours?"

"To just enjoy myself ."

"Will did you?"I asked smiling.


"Will enough about me. How you and Marion?"She asked taking another drink from he wine glass.

"We're okay...That why I'm actionly here."I said clairing my throat again."Umm...How did you and Marion met...I mean when did yall first met?"

"Oh...Umm...Will I didn't remember him into I was talking to brother about how he was acting."

"Remember what?"

"Will when we was in the 1st grade we was best friends into he kissed me."

"He what?"

"Kemah it was along time ago and I mean he wasn't my type."

"Wasn't your type...So he's you type now?"

"No...I'm marry now and I'm not into him that way."I said laughing.

"There's nothing funny about what you just said."I got up and let.

August POV

I wait at that damn party just drinking and smoking. But she never came I just set there looking stupidy turning every girl down that looked my way. My phone just started ranging and I just picked up throwing it at the wall. Mane fuck this something got to give. I thought getting up grabbing my keys and go to Maya house.

"Yo MaMa can you give me Ketha address?"I asked when she open the door then I walked in, going into the living setting down and she closed the door and followed me.

"Why?"She asked crossing her arms.

"Cause Maya I miss her."

"Oh...So now you miss her?"

"Maya I have always missed her. I might have showed it, but I did. So can you please help me out and give me her address."

"You know she's marry now?"I nodded and she gave it to me.

"Thank you Maya this means a lot to me."I left and put her address in my GPS on my phone. Damn this girl lived far as hell, she aint playing about hinding from her ex-boyfriend. He must have been really crazy as fuck. When I finally maded there, I stay in my car from like 5 minutes just thinking if this was idea. Fuck it, I thoughted and got out my car and went to knock on the door. When the door open I thought it was going to be her man, but it was Ryan.

"Wassup with you mane."He said letting me in.

"Same on same on...Is Ketha here?"I asked

Ketha POV

"Is Ketha here?"I heard someone ask as I was walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah."I heard Ryan and then the front door close. I walked out the kitchen into the living room to see Ryan setting on the couch laughing and August was setting in the chair.

"Uh..."I claired my throat.

"What did you say Jr, I'm coming. I'll be upstair's if you need me."

"I didn't hear anything."

"Will I did...Aug talk."He said, then he went upstair's and I heard him yelling at Alva."

"Hey Ketha Long time no see."He said chuckling.

"What's so damn funny about that Aug?"I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Will nothing is funny-"

"Your damn right...Because of you I losed all my friends for nothing."

"For NOTHING...Ketha lets not forget that when me and Chrisjust try to help you, yo ass you down talked us."

"Fuck you August...I getting yo ass beat and rapped every night just so someone careless ass jerk can live to see tomorrow is help."I said and then start stradding the living room up, cause Andreas will be home in a bet.

"What every Ketha you getting rapped and yo ass beat you put that shit on yo self...An' you know it...I called you one day and I aint gone lie I was drunk as fuck, but I bagged you to met me some where and you didn't even answer. Let alone showed up and that same day I ended up in a hospital bed fighting for my life."

"Yeah and the same day I was getting gang rapped and my ass beat for that call. An' for you to say I didn't care or came to see you, that's a lie. Cause I did and Marion told me that you didn't want me there. He also told me something you said about me and that shit hard to hear you said that about me."We both had tear coming down our face at this point."Then I went home and got my ass beat and rapped...For yo ass and did I get a thank you."





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