°•○Monthly Report {1}○•°

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Hi! It's been awhile since you've heard from me right? I think so at least. Anyway, I'm sorry about my crappy updates but school... SCHOOL. No surprise there. Ha get it, the title and I just said surprise... Yeah, okay, my jokes suck just as much as they did in the last book. What I really came to tell you guys is this, and I'm going to be genuine here so please understand where I'm coming from.

You might think rhat five books is a lot, right? Well, you're not wrong that's for sure! But the thing is, I only have so many ideas, and writing them down just isn't working for me. I don't have Writers Block, I can assure you, but I'm also becoming a little slow with my ideas, if that makes any sense...

As an author, of course I can't just tell you my plans for the future of this series, I mean, that would be crazy! But I give very subtle and vague hints to the next books. It's too early for me to plan out the future of this book even! I'm running on 30 chaptrts here! Which iz what, like, 24 chapterd left to write? I'll do it all for you guys because I love all of you, but, I just can't seem to find the time anymore. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm genuinely unhappy. Not with any of you, but with myself and with my priorities. I can't seem to function properly anymore which sucks, trust me. I just can't seem to do much about it at the moment though.

But anyway! Three chapters by Sunday or Monday, can guarantee that, though I don't know why I just did...

Three of the chapters in this book have been fillers, tell me if you can spot them all and I'll add a little bonus to those three chapters coming out. •hint hint, I already told you one if you reread~•

Surprises, I needed to get to that topic.

So basically, I noticed a bit of confusion with my Bad Memories parts in the first book. Don't worry though! I am here to make things all better! But this is mainly regarding Shelby's memory. Even I couldn't comprehend what I wrote but bare with me. 

I'm going to make a book about Shelby and her past and how she doesn't remeber it. Seems unlike me to do something like this right? Well, here's your answer. I'm dumb. Yep, that's your answer, I am dumb as heck. When I wrote that chapter I was like, "Yep, seems go, no harm no foul!" But I was wrong. I managed to confuse myself and some of you! So this book will be somewhat for me, but mostly for you! Doesn't make sense but have I made any at this point? 

°•○●Book Wise●○•°

Vague and subtle plans, did I mention these before? Oh yeahhh.

°Drama shall begin after chapter 13

•Action shall begin after chapter 10

°30 lovely chapters will come with this package

•Time will be a key element in this book


•Shorts and MCs will be distributed after chapter 10

°I am an insomniac btw

•There will be a Q/A after this comes out which I will get to

☆May or may not reveal face☆


Leave me questions my Hopes~! I will definitely try my best to answer at least all of them. 

So if you're a good math person, this should be pretty easy. If you're not then it's still pretty easy. 

○Take the number of chapters from the first book

●Add that number to the number of chapters that WILL BE in this book

○Take that sum and subtract my birthday from it {February 27th}

●Take that difference and the number of books that is in this series SO FAR

○Take away the amount of books that will be in the COMPLETED SERIES

I know I know, seems a bit obscured. I did the math in my head and checked on a calculator so I am 100% certain of the final answer! That number will be how many questions I will answer! Leave me a lot, got it~?


Love you all and thanks for the cooperation and taking the time to hear me out! I thank you all so much~! Q/A will take place approximately next week or this week so hurry!

Peace, Killer Author is out~! ♡

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