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"I breathed"


hello this is my first fanfic. Although this is my first one im pretty sure i'd do good as fuck since this bitch has read atleast a thousand fics.

but from my observation, ive seen a lot of idol!yoongi and fanboy!hoseok but not a lot of fanboy!yoongi and idol!hoseok Nd like why is hoseok always the loud one yoongi can be loud too!!! so uh yeah thats why uwu

i LOVE to see how shy hoseok gets when yoongi compliments/praises him also how yoongi looks at hoseok fondly so thats partly the reason

ANY ways i think this a/n is longer than the book itself so uh enjoy the book i guess?

also im open to constructive criticism pls leave down in the comments so i could improve my writing

and uh vote so i could know if anyones reading or not FUFIDJKJ THIS IS SO LONG JUST ENJOY THE STORY JDDJNJ

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