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I'm sorry I haven't posted in like...over 9000 yrs! I've been really busy! I've also had some crazy nightmares for some reason and I don't know why. So, I'm barely getting any sleep. The most sleep I have gotten was.. probably 4 hrs?

I also, gotta question! Is it normal to have 1 meal a day? My friend and I were having a debate about that because, he asked me how many meals I eat for a day and I told him 1. He looked at me in disbelief and told me that it wasn't good for me. I told him I was fine but, he told me to eat more. Even some of my other friends too. I have some other problems but, you guys don't probably want to know it!

Anyways, I'm sorry for not updating! I hope y'all are doin' good! X) Au revoir!

- totally not your author

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