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Okay...okay...so umm...


I'm just going through stuff and NY depression is getting worse and my parents don't know about it so it's as if I'm just stuffing everything in a bottle and now it really tight and it feels as if it's about to break any second

I don't know and um..I don't know if I should tell my parents if I'm bi sexual

I want to tell then about that but the only thing is that I don't know how and I'm very confused.

My brain feels very very very very confused or something. It just feels like a string but tangled up and it's as if I'm trying to untangle it but the more I try to untangle it the more tangled it gets.

I'm sorry for ranting and if this makes no sense but I'm sorry again for the chapter taking to long and ajfnksnelsnslsndldnwldnf

I feel like there are chains on me that are weighing me down and I just don't know but I hate this feeling

I just want to suddenly disappear and everybody's memory about me disappears so they don't remember me when I'm gone

Well sorry again for this. I'll go bang my head against the table for 5 mins. Sorry for ranting and sorry about the chapter. T-T And sorry if none of this makes sense I'm just speed typing. Anyways...Bai guys

-totally not your sushi roll T~T

Edit:  Thank you guys for your nice comments! Wattpad and my Readers are my happy place XDD ANyways...Gotta get back to class

Au Revoir my childssss

- totally not your author chan

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