Chapter Three

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"And now, we're gonna kill you." I try to say as maniacally as possible. Since it's just a reading, we don't really have to say it with a ton of emotion. But I try anyways.

"You said her name! I heard you. You kill her?" Dayo says.

"No, no it wasn't me!" I answer back. I flip the page on the script.

"I heard you!" he says back. I have to read down about three pages of directions for this scene until I find my next line.

Gary tells me not to say this line yet, since I have to yell Cato's name. After that, all my lines are over. I'm dead.

The rest of the cast reads through the script and I follow along. I'm kind of sad that my lines are over that quickly, but I can deal with it.

We finish the script within another hour and Gary begins passing out more stacks of paper to everyone.

"This..." he begins while handing me my stack. On the front it says Physical Prepping Plan: Isabelle Fuhrman.

"Will be what I want everyone to follow extremely closely for the next two weeks. It is your exercise plan to kind if get you in shape before we actually start group training. It's nothing too difficult. Xander, I want you to put on ten pounds of muscle before group training. Same with you, Josh. Dayo, you just need to put on as much weight in muscle as possible. Isabelle, you don't really need much muscle beforehand, but I have in there where you can go to learn how to throw knives. We need you comfortable in there. As for the rest of you, it will all be in the packet. Two weeks from now, we start training in building muscle and fight scenes an just getting you guys comfortable with the weapons. Understand?" Gary finishes.

We all nod our heads in agreement. Jennifer groans at her exercise plan, which is about twice as thick as mine. I mean, she will be running the whole movie.

I text my sister quickly to pick me up in about 30 minutes, since she got back in town last night. Gary talks to the rest of us. He tells each of us to study our script as much as we can and to be at the gym in two weeks. Next Friday we have to go to the local mall where they will be announcing the cast for the first time. That's good, because I really want to tell my friends about it.

I flip through my packet. It has directions to the place where I can learn to throw knives, and a diet plan. Protein. Lots and lots of protein.

Alexander, who was sitting next to me again today, turns so he can talk to me.

"So you actually have to do it? Learn to throw?" he asks.

"Yep." I say. I look back over the plan. It says I have to run three miles each week. I don't like running.

"Well, I have to be at a gym like 5 hours every day." He says, looking at his packet of papers. "And eat a bunch of healthy crap."

"Same." I tell him. I'm startled a little when Jack takes a seat to the right of me.

"I have to put on muscle. Skinny boys don't put on muscle very well." He says.

"You're fat though." Alexander answers. Jack looks offended and begins to laugh.

Gary dismisses us for the day. I join everyone else outside on the porch and wait for Madeline. She should be here shortly.

Amandla, the girl that plays Rue, and the girl that plays Prim sit talking to each other. Josh, Jen, and Liam walk to their cars together. Everyone else stands together on the porch talking. God, it's just like high school.

I guess so far I'm the quiet one. The only one I've really talked to is Alexander, and we haven't even talked that much. The rest of them act like they have known each other for years.

"Hey, Isabelle!" I hear someone call. Leven stands by her car with Jack and Alexander. I smile a little and walk over by them.

"Welcome to the career pack." Jack laughs as I walk up.

The three of them talk together, but I don't really say much again. I feel out of place. They are all years older than me. Some of them are also pretty well known. And me? I'm known as the creepy Estonian girl/woman.

Leven's cell phone begins to ring and she answers it, telling the rest of us bye. She gets in her car and drives off. Jack does the same, and I'm just left with Alexander. Everyone else stands up on the porch. Well, some of them. Most of everybody left.

"So, how you liking it so far?" Alexander asks me. I have to bend my head up to look at him. He has really gorgeous blue eyes.

"I like it. I'm still in shock that I actually got the part." I tell him. He laughs.

"Me too. I was going to audition for Peeta but then they kind of told me not to, so here I am!" He says with a smile.

I see Madeline's car drive up and I walk over to it. Alexander's car is across the street, so he walks over with me. When I get to Madeline's car, he tells me goodbye. I tell him by as well and get in the car.

When I get in, Madeline immediately bombards me with questions.

"Who was that. He's hot. Are any of the guys here single? Are any of them my age?" She asks.

The car lurches forward and I try to answer her questions. I mean, I've only known these people for like two days. I don't know if they are single or not. They all seem about 5 years older than me, though.

Madeline begins to drive and I look back over my new diet plan thing. Salads and protein shakes. Is that all I can eat for the next two weeks? I love food way too much for that to happen.

I guess I can start on my three miles for the week when I get home. I don't have anything else to do. I pick up my phone to call Sydney to see if she wants to join me. She's really big on fitness and exercising.

I dial her number and she picks up on the first ring. "What do you want?" she asks. She always answers to me like this.

"I was going jogging later. Want to join?" I ask.

She laughs into the phone. "You jogging? You don't jog."

"Well, I'm going to start. If you want to join, be at my house by 3:00."

She groans. "Fine."

I hang up as we pull into my driveway. When we park, Madeline snatches the bunch of papers out of my hand. She laughs at the stuff I have to do and throws it back at me. I roll my eyes and step out of the car.

When I walk in the house, I spend the next hour looking over my script. I only have like maybe 15 lines in the whole movie. And there's no telling how much of it will be edited out.

I change into Nike shorts and a tee shirt as soon as I hear the knock on my door. Sydney bursts into my room just as I'm tying the laces on my shoes.

I had enough sense before she came to hide the script and plans under my bed. I don't know why I can't tell anyone, but I decide to follow Gary's orders and not tell her.

"Okay, what made you to all of a sudden start running?" she asks with a raised eyebrow. Her light brown hair is pulled back in a tight ponytail.

"I told you, I just wanted to." I say. I finish tying my shoes and walk out of my room.

"I don't believe it. Did someone call you fat? Because you're really not." She says. I roll my eyes and walk out the front door.

"No. I just want to be more in shape I guess." I answer. We get out on the path outside and begin to jog.

"I don't believe it." She says.

"You just don't want me to be more for than you." I tell her with a smirk.

"That is so not true." She says defensively.

I laugh and take the chance to run as far as I can up ahead of her. She yells something behind me, but I can't hear her. I wonder if I will be more fit than her after all of this.

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