One more author's note!

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Hey guys! I doubt many of you still have this story in your library after it finished but I had a question for those of you that did. I was going to write another Alexbelle fic, but I didn't really have a good idea for one. So I thought maybe I should write a version of Snapshot from Alexander's point of view. If I did, it would be pretty different because I know I skipped around a lot in this book. Such as writing a chapter and then the next chapter would be two weeks later. If I wrote one in Alexander's point of view it would focus on the moments I left out which means a lot more cute Alexbelle moments. So if any of you would actually be interested in reading it if I wrote it, please leave a comment telling me what you think! Maybe I will stick to my word and keep this as the last author's note of the story. Thanks :)

Snapshot (Alexbelle)Where stories live. Discover now