Chapter 27.

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"Why Don't You See That I'm Right For You?"



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Winter Break


"So what have you been up to?" I asked Zae

"Not much, just been facetiming this weirdo named Sophia." He smiled

"She sounds interesting." I giggled

"She is. What you been up to though?"

"Nothing really, just been bored as fuck."

"Let's do something then."

"You know the conjugation let's stands for let us, which means the BOTH of us engaging in an activity together."

"Okay okay Sophia no need to get all smart and technical with me with your intelligent self, I know what it means. What you don't want to hang out with me?"

"It's not that, we just have never hung out together before outside of school like that."

"So let's start now."

"I sure would love to but you know my ass is grounded you know that."

*Author's Note: My ass was grounded, ya girl didn't even have her phone, we were facetiming on my laptop.

"Sneak out then."

"Wait, wait, wait, what would I even be sneaking out for, like what are we gonna do?"

"Ride cockroaches and eat crumbs."

This nigga

"Be serious." I laughed

"Alright, Alright, I just want us to hang out together at my house, enjoy each other's company just the two of us.

*Author's Note: Zae lived a walking distance away from me.

"Hmm, and where will your madre be during this time?"

"Out and about. It's just gonna be the two of us shorty." He smirked

"Fine, but I can't get caught Zae my ass will be grass if I do."

"You're funny." He laughed

Lord his smile

"Okay what time are you gonna meet me?"



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