The Making Of... ~ Chapter 2 ~ Teeth Makeup?

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The Making of…

Chapter Two

Teeth Makeup?

“Are you alright?” The man asked after helping me to my feet.

“Um… Yeah, I’m fine, I just tripped.” I stumbled over my words, blushing at my own stupidity. What a great way to meet someone, almost fall flat on you face in front of them.

“Hey Viggo.” I heard Orlando say behind me, “This is Kira.”

“Hi.” Viggo smiled, holding out his hand, which I shook, “Nice to meet you.”

“You too,” I replied nervously, “And, erm, thanks for catching me back there.”

“No problem!” He laughed, “We can’t have you breaking your nose on your first day on set!”

“Yeah…” I smiled, looking him up and down, taking in his ruggedly handsome appearance. “Your costume is fantastic.”

“Thanks, wait until you see yours!” Viggo grinned.

“Has anyone taken you to meet the guys in makeup yet?” Orlando asked, I shook my head.

“No, I only really just arrived.” I replied.

“You should probably meet them; they’ll want to do a makeup test, and your wardrobe fitting.”

“Ok, are they in the trailers in the car park?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’ll take you down; I need to get my wig off anyway!” Orlando laughed, “You coming Viggo?”

“Sure.” Viggo smiled as we began to make our way back through the set towards the car park. We reached a trailer that had ‘Aragorn, Legolas, Boromir, Rana & Arwen Makeup’ on the door. Orlando pushed the door open.

“Hey guys!” He called out as we entered. I saw two men and a woman with curly blonde hair at one side of the large trailer sitting drinking coffee.

“Hey Orlando, filming all finished for the day?” One of the men asked.

“Well Viggo and I are done; I think Peter is doing a few more Hobbit scenes, I don’t know where Sean and Liv are.” Orlando replied as he sat down in front of a mirror. I looked at the other four seats in the trailer as Viggo made his way to one beside Orlando.

“You’re here beside me Kira.” Viggo smiled, patting the arm of the free chair on his left. I sat down nervously, as a man went over to Orlando and began to prise his wig off, it looked pretty painful.

“Hey Viggo, do you mind staying in costume and everything?” The woman asked as she approached me, “I think Peter wanted some photos of you and Kira in costume.”

“Sure,” He grunted, standing up, “I’m going to find some coffee, do you guys want any?”

“Yeah, that would be great.” I smiled; the jetlag was starting to catch up on me.

“Ok, I’ll be back in a minute.” He replied, before exiting the trailer. The woman approached the back of my chair, brandishing a makeup brush.

“Hey, I’m Louise, you can call me Lou, and I’m going to be your makeup artist for the next year or two!” She said in a cheery New Zealand accent.

“Hi.” I smiled as she adjusted the height of my chair and began to pin back layers of my hair around my face. “Erm… Do I have to wear a wig?” I asked timidly and she laughed.

“No, your hair is perfect; it just needs a few extensions here and there!” She explained as she began to apply makeup to my face. I breathed a sigh of relief; the wigs didn’t look particularly comfy…

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