The Making Of... - Chapter 8 - Was That in the Script?

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The Making Of…

Chapter 8

Was That in the Script?

After we had finished our scenes for the day, Viggo and I began to head back to the makeup trailers. As we were leaving, Peter jogged up to us. I had noticed that he had been intently watching Viggo and I all day, so I figured that this may have something to do with that.

“Hey Viggo! Ki!” He shouted to get our attention.

“Hi Pete.” I smiled as he caught up with us, “What’s up?”

“I was just wondering if you two could come back later tonight, I think I’ve had an idea… I’ll have to talk to Fran and Philippa about it, but if we’re going to film here, it’ll have to be this evening. Can I count on you two to be here?”

“Yeah sure.” Viggo smiled, “We’ll be here.”

“Fantastic, see you in your trailer at seven then!” He grinned, waving as he jogged back to the set.

“What do you suppose that was about?” I asked as we strolled back to our trailer.

“No idea.” Viggo shrugged, “He’s definitely plotting something though.”

“Yeah.” I agreed as we walked into the trailer and Lou began to remove my makeup.

After a few minutes, I saw Viggo check his watch.

“Hey Ki?”

“Hm?” I answered midway through brushing my teeth.

“It’s almost five already, if we have to be back here before seven, there’s not much point in going back to the hotel, do you want to just go out and grab a bite?”

“Yeah sure,” I smiled, leaning back in my chair after deciding that there was no point in taking my contact lenses out. I could just have green eyes for the next few hours.

After we had finished in makeup and had changed, Viggo and I headed back to his car, both wielding our swords. Viggo was trying to remember the routine he needed for his fight scene tomorrow.

“Don’t be trying to remember whilst driving; I don’t want to crash because you were thinking about swords!” I joked as I tossed my sword into the back seat and he did the same.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll remember it.” He smiled, “Besides, I think Bob will be on set tomorrow anyway.” He climbed into the driver’s seat and I jumped in the passenger side as he started the engine and pulled off.

“So where are we going?” I asked.

“There’s a town just up the road here, I’m sure we can find something to eat there.”


Around half an hour later, Viggo and I were sitting outside a pizza restaurant, finishing off our meal in the evening sun. I took out my purse to pay when the waiter arrived with the bill, but Viggo stopped me.

“Don’t worry about it.” He grinned, “It’s my treat.”

“Thanks.” I smiled, sitting back in my chair and looking around the quiet street. “Hey, look at that!” I cried, pointing at an outdoor magazine rack that stood across the road from us.

“What is it?” Viggo asked as I stood.

“Come on!” I laughed, grabbing his wrist and dragging him across the street as he snatched up his sword (he had insisted upon bringing it to the restaurant). I picked up the movie review magazine, and stared at the title that had caught my eye:

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