The Making Of... - Chapter 56 - Making it Work

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The Making of…

Chapter 56

Making it Work

“Great work today guys!” Peter smiled as we traipsed off set after another day of filming. “Now remember, this is our last week of principal photography, so it might be time to start clearing out your trailers. They’re getting towed away at the end of the week, so if you’ve lost any pairs of socks under the bed you should go looking for them!”

I smiled at his weak joke and nodded as we headed back to the makeup bus to get changed. My suitcase was already sitting on my bed, but it was empty. I’d tried to start packing, but I couldn’t seem to bring myself to. I couldn’t seem to bring myself to accept that this was almost over.

Filming had ended early in the afternoon for us, and I should have been using the free time to clear out my trailer, but instead I was sitting at the end of the bed with my head buried in my hands, trying to stop the tears that threatened to start running down my cheeks at any moment. Viggo wasn’t around. He was meeting Uraeus and Kenny’s owners to discuss buying them. I was glad he was out; I didn’t want him to see me like this. I bit my lip and looked up, my eyes travelling around the trailer that had been my home for the past eighteen months. Things were easy here, when Viggo’s trailer was always parked just next door, and we could see each other whenever we wanted. I knew things were about to get very difficult when it came to our relationship. How were we going to be able to stay together when we lived on opposite sides of the world?

My thought track was abruptly cut off as the door to my trailer burst open and Raven Rylee and Erin practically fell through the door.

“Does nobody knock anymore?” I asked, running a hand through my hair as they picked themselves up and walked over to me.

“We figured you needed a little girl time.” Rylee smiled as Raven plonked herself down on the bed beside me.

“We brought ice cream.” She grinned.

“Uh…” I mumbled, a little startled by their sudden appearance. Erin had already located my cutlery drawer and had brought over spoons. She handed me one and then opened a massive tub of chocolate ice cream.

“Ok, so what’s been getting you down?” She asked, sitting on the floor in front of me beside Rylee.

“It really doesn’t matter…” I sighed, absentmindedly twirling my spoon in my fingers.

“It really does.” Raven cut in, “You’ve been moping all week – is it because filming is almost over?”

“I suppose it’s partly that…” I admitted as Erin held out the tub of ice cream and I dug my spoon in.

“Well what else is it?” She asked.


“Ki.” The brunette looked at me sternly and I sighed.

“I’m… I’m worried about me and Viggo.” I mumbled.

“Why? I thought everything was great between you two?” Rylee cried.

“It is Rye… It’s just… When this is all over, we’re both going to go home, but encase you haven’t noticed, we don’t live anywhere near each other.”

“So? It’s the same problem with me and Sean.” Raven shrugged.

“Same with Dom and me.” Erin added, “Rye has it easy because both she and Karl live in Wellington.”

The Making Of... (Lord of the Rings)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz