The Making Of... - Chapter 59 - Forever

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The Making of…

Chapter 59


My phone’s alarm bleeped irritatingly in my ear as I rolled over and slammed it off, before retreating back under the duvet and curling up against Viggo’s warm body.

“Mmm… Ki you gotta get up.” He yawned.

“No, I don’t want to go… Can’t I just stay here?” I begged as he sat up and kissed the top of my head.

“I’m afraid that’s not really an option.” He murmured, “Come on, or you’ll be late.”

“Alright…” I sighed dejectedly, sitting up and swinging my legs out of bed. I opened my suitcase and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and the hoodie I’d stolen from Viggo during our camping trip. I pulled them on as Viggo dressed in his clothes from last night and I zipped up my suitcase. I hauled it over to my trailer door as Viggo made some coffee. As he was pouring it into the mugs I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “I’m going to miss waking up with you.” I mumbled into his shirt.

“So will I.” He sighed, turning and handing me my mug. I sipped my coffee quietly, checking my watch – I had to be at the airport in just over an hour. That didn’t leave me much time with Viggo. As I drained my cup and washed it – putting it back in the cupboard for the last time – I thought about what I would do with myself once I got home. No filming and no Viggo. I supposed I could visit my family… That would be nice. “Are you ready to go?” Viggo asked quietly, and I shook my head, finding tears pricking at my eyes.

“I don’t want to leave you.” I sniffed as he hugged me and I buried my face in his shoulder.

“It’s ok Ki, it’s not for long, I promise.” He whispered comfortingly, he pulled back and looked at me with a gentle smile. “Cheer up; I love it when you smile.” He murmured, causing me to smile weakly. “So are you ready now?”

“I suppose…” I shrugged as he released me and took my hand as he led me to the door. I looked back, taking one last glance around what had been my home, before lifting my guitar case and backpack as Vig picked up my suitcase. We walked out the door and I rooted in my pocket for my key – I locked the door for the last time and handed the key to Viggo, who would pass it on to Peter for me. He laced his fingers through mine as we walked to his Jeep and placed my bags in the back. I climbed into the passenger seat beside him and he pulled me into a hug as we waited for Orlando and Billy to show up. “I love you.” I whispered, holding him tightly.

“I love you too.” He replied, gently stroking my hair as I heard Orlando and Billy toss their bags in the back and climb into the back seats.

“Morning guys…” Orlando mumbled as Billy moaned something about a killer hangover. I smiled a little as Viggo released me and started the engine, and I said a silent goodbye to the studios as we pulled out of the car park. The drive to the airport was over much too quickly, and as Viggo pulled into a parking space, I ran my fingers over the battered leather of the car seats and breathing in the familiar smell of the Jeep – it mostly smelled of Viggo, but I could detect hints of coffee, leather polish and the smell of horses. I made sure to log the scent in the back of my mind as I climbed out of the Jeep for the last time. I was doing a lot of things for the last time today. I went and retrieved my bags from the back in a daze, but once again Viggo took my suitcase from my hands and carried it for me as we made our way into the airport.

I knew Viggo wouldn’t be allowed to go past the check-in desks, so this was were we had to say our goodbyes. Billy and Orlando both gave Viggo a manly hug, murmuring their awkward farewells.

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